Little Cypress-Mauriceville High School - (2024)




'; var calendarRightIcons = ''; //add print button calendarRightIcons += ''; //add email button calendarRightIcons += ''; //add subscribe button calendarRightIcons += ''; $('#fullpage-calendar-content-'+page_calendar_id+' .fc-left').each(function(e) { $(this).append(calendarListToggle); }); $('#fullpage-calendar-content-'+page_calendar_id+' .fc-right').each(function(e) { $(this).prepend(calendarRightIcons); }); //Loop through each calendar and give sub elements ids so can access later $('.calendarDisplay').each(function(e) { var calendar_id = $(this).data('calendar'); var foo = $(this); if (calendar_id) { if (calendar_id && $.isNumeric(calendar_id)) { //loop through fc-view-container of current calendar, assign an id to toggle display //and append listView div to display list $(foo.children('.fc-view-container')).each(function(e) { if ($(this).hasClass('fc-view-container')) { $(this).attr('id', 'fc-view-container_' + calendar_id); } }); foo.append('

'); $('#listView_' + calendar_id).hide(); } } }); //On click of icon, change active classes $(document).delegate('.listIcon', "click", function(event, state) { var calendar_id = $(this).data('calendar'); if (calendar_id) { if ($('#calIcon_' + calendar_id).hasClass('fc-state-active')) { $('#calIcon_' + calendar_id).removeClass('fc-state-active'); $('#listIcon_' + calendar_id).addClass('fc-state-active'); } $('#fc-view-container_' + calendar_id).hide(); $('#listView_' + calendar_id).show(); //$('#listView_' + calendar_id).html('

Little Cypress-Mauriceville High School - (1)

'); //populate correct events based on current day var calGetDates = $('#full-page-calendar'+page_calendar_id).fullCalendar('getCalendar'); var startUnix = moment(calGetDates.view.start._d).unix() * 1000; var endUnix = moment(calGetDates.view.end._d).unix() * 1000; //first hour of next day 00:00:00 in GMT var listOutput = ''; if (calendars) { $(calendars).each(function(i, val) { if (parseInt( == parseInt(page_calendar_id)) { //loop through every day from start->end, find every event that occurs on that day var days = date_diff_indays(startUnix, endUnix); //counter for loop var currentDay = new Date(startUnix); //incremented placeholder var today = moment().format('L'); //current day is one before start, increment once currentDay.setDate(currentDay.getDate() + 1); if (days && !isNaN(days)) { //store each days events in an array to sort by time before populating day var dayEvents = {}; var currentDayCounter = 0; for(var i = 0; i <= days; i++) { //loop through events to see if any occur on current day if ( { if (i != currentDayCounter) { //if dayEvents has events, display non-timed events first, //sort the events that are timed, display timed events if (!jQuery.isEmptyObject(dayEvents)) { var nonTimedEvents = {}; var displayEventCounter = 0; Object.keys(dayEvents).forEach(function(i,val) { //add to display events if no time, remove from array if (!dayEvents[i]['start_time'] && !dayEvents[i]['end_time']) { nonTimedEvents[displayEventCounter] = dayEvents[i]['html_output']; delete dayEvents[i]; displayEventCounter++; } else if (dayEvents[i]['start_time']) { if (dayEvents[i]['start_time'] && dayEvents[i]['start_date']) { var start_date_rep = dayEvents[i]['start_date'].replaceAll("-","/"); var startDateTime = start_date_rep + ' ' + dayEvents[i]['start_time']; dayEvents[i]['start_date_time'] = Date.parse(startDateTime); } } }); //sort any remaining (timed) items in array if (!jQuery.isEmptyObject(dayEvents)) { var sortTimes = []; //compile simple array of id and timestamp for sorting Object.keys(dayEvents).forEach(function(i,val) { if (dayEvents[i].start_date_time) { sortTimes.push([dayEvents[i].start_date_time, dayEvents[i].id]); } }); sortTimes.sort(sortFunction); function sortFunction(a, b) { if (a[0] === b[0]) { return 0; } else { return (a[0] < b[0]) ? -1 : 1; } } } else { var sortTimes = []; } if (!jQuery.isEmptyObject(nonTimedEvents) || sortTimes && sortTimes.length > 0) { //due to currentDay being evaulated at the end of the loop and logic executes when //a new day occurs, must use the previous day var currentDayTmp = new Date(currentDay); var previousDay = new Date(currentDayTmp.setDate(currentDayTmp.getDate() - 1)); var monthName = moment(previousDay).format('MMM'); var dayName = moment(previousDay).format('ddd'); var year = moment(previousDay).format('YYYY'); //if today, make box green if (today == moment(previousDay).format('L')) { var boxColor = 'successBox'; } else { var boxColor = 'lightGrayBox'; } listOutput += '

'; listOutput += '

'; listOutput += monthName; listOutput += '

' + previousDay.getDate() + '

'; listOutput += dayName; listOutput += '

'; listOutput += '

'; var eventPerDayCounter = 1; //list untimed events if (!jQuery.isEmptyObject(nonTimedEvents)) { var nonTimedLength = Object.keys(nonTimedEvents).length; Object.keys(nonTimedEvents).forEach(function(i,val) { listOutput += nonTimedEvents[i]; //If not last item, put divider if (eventPerDayCounter != nonTimedLength) { listOutput += '

'; } eventPerDayCounter++; }); } if (sortTimes && sortTimes.length > 0) { var sortedPerDay = 1; //add divider if there are any non-timed events before the timed events if (eventPerDayCounter != 1) { listOutput += '

'; } //loop through sorted times to display them in chronological order by start time $.each(sortTimes, function(i, val) { Object.keys(dayEvents).forEach(function(k,obj) { if (dayEvents[k]['id'] && dayEvents[k]['id'] == sortTimes[i][1]) { listOutput += dayEvents[k]['html_output']; //If not last item, put divider if (sortedPerDay != sortTimes.length) { listOutput += '

'; } sortedPerDay++; } }); }); } listOutput += '

'; listOutput += '

'; listOutput += '

'; } } dayEvents = {}; currentDayCounter = i; } var currentUnix = currentDay.getTime() / 1000; //convert to seconds which moment() uses var eventOutput = ''; $(, obj) { let end_date = moment([k]['end']); let isValid_end_date = end_date.isValid(); //have to get the start AND end of start day to correctly see if on that day var startOfDayStart = moment(obj.start_date).startOf('day'); var eventStartUnixDayBegin = startOfDayStart.unix(); var endOfDayStart = moment(obj.start_date).endOf('day'); var eventStartUnixDayEnd = endOfDayStart.unix(); //have to get the start AND end of end day to correctly see if on that day var startOfDayEnd = moment(obj.end_date).startOf('day'); var eventEndUnixDayBegin = startOfDayEnd.unix(); var endOfDayEnd = moment(obj.end_date).endOf('day'); var eventEndUnixDayEnd = endOfDayEnd.unix(); //if all day it spans into the next day time wise since timezone //isn't being calculated, fix for list view by taking off 12 hours so //it doesn't span into the next day if (obj.allDay == true) { eventEndUnixDayBegin -= 43200; eventEndUnixDayEnd -= 43200; } if ((eventStartUnixDayBegin <= currentUnix && eventEndUnixDayEnd >= currentUnix) || //multi day event in middle (eventStartUnixDayBegin <= currentUnix && eventStartUnixDayEnd >= currentUnix) || //event starts this day (eventEndUnixDayBegin <= currentUnix && eventEndUnixDayEnd >= currentUnix)) { //event ends this day eventOutput = ''; eventOutput += '

'; eventOutput += ''; eventOutput += ''; eventOutput += ''; eventOutput += ''; eventOutput += ''; eventOutput += ''; eventOutput += '
'; eventOutput += '

'; eventOutput += '
'; // eventOutput += ''; // eventOutput += obj.title; // eventOutput += ''; eventOutput += '

'; eventOutput += obj.title; eventOutput += '

'; eventOutput += '

'; if (!obj.googleCalendarId && obj.calendar_name) { if (parseInt(page_calendar_id) != obj.calendar_id) { if (obj.calendar_name.indexOf('Calendar: ') >= 0) { var title = obj.calendar_name.replace('Calendar: ', ''); } else { var title = obj.calendar_name; } eventOutput += '

'; eventOutput += '(Source: ' + title + ')'; eventOutput += '

'; } } else if (obj.url) { eventOutput += '

'; eventOutput += '
'; eventOutput += ''; eventOutput += ''; if (obj.calendar_name) { eventOutput += obj.calendar_name; } eventOutput += ''; eventOutput += '

'; } //don't show times if all day if (['all_day'] != true) { eventOutput += '

'; eventOutput += '
'; //they did not set an end time, defaults to 12:00:00 if ([k]['start_time'] &&[k]['end_time'] && isValid_end_date == true) { eventOutput +=[k]['start'] + ' ' +[k]['start_time']; eventOutput += ' to ' +[k]['end'] + ' ' +[k]['end_time']; } else { eventOutput +=[k]['start']; } eventOutput += '

'; } eventOutput += '
'; if (obj.description && obj.description.trim()) { eventOutput += '

'; eventOutput += '
'; eventOutput += obj.description.trim(); eventOutput += '

'; } if (obj.location && obj.location.trim()) { eventOutput += '

'; eventOutput += '
'; eventOutput += obj.location.trim(); eventOutput += '

'; } if ( && { eventOutput += '

'; eventOutput += 'Map'; eventOutput += '

'; } if (obj.directions && obj.directions.trim()) { eventOutput += '

'; eventOutput += '
'; eventOutput += obj.directions.trim(); eventOutput += '

'; } if (obj.attachment) { eventOutput += '

'; eventOutput += '
'; var attachmentName = obj.attachment + ''; // var attachmentName = 'Attachments'; if (obj.attachment.indexOf('/')) { var attachmentArr = obj.attachment.split('/'); var attachmentArrLength = attachmentArr.length - 1; attachmentName = attachmentArr[attachmentArrLength]; } eventOutput += ''; // eventOutput += ''; eventOutput += ''; eventOutput += attachmentName; // eventOutput += 'Attachment'; eventOutput += ''; eventOutput += '

'; } eventOutput += '

'; //add event to day array for sorting if (i == currentDayCounter) { dayEvents[] = { 'id' :, 'html_output' : '

' + eventOutput + '

', 'start' : obj.start, 'start_date' : obj.start_date, 'start_time' : obj.start_time, 'end' : obj.end, 'end_date' : obj.end_date, 'end_time' : obj.end_time, 'all_day' : obj.all_day }; } eventPerDayCounter++; } }); } //increment to next day currentDay.setDate(currentDay.getDate() + 1); } } } }); } if (listOutput && listOutput.length > 0) { listOutput = '

    ' + listOutput + '

'; $('#listView_' + calendar_id).html(listOutput); } else { //no events var listOutput = '

    '; listOutput += '

    '; listOutput += '

    No events Occurred.

    '; listOutput += '

    '; listOutput += '

    '; listOutput += '

'; $('#listView_' + calendar_id).html(listOutput); } } }); //calculate days between two dates var date_diff_indays = function(date1, date2) { dt1 = new Date(date1); dt2 = new Date(date2); return Math.floor((Date.UTC(dt2.getFullYear(), dt2.getMonth(), dt2.getDate()) - Date.UTC(dt1.getFullYear(), dt1.getMonth(), dt1.getDate()) ) /(1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)); } $(document).delegate('.subscribeIcon', "click", function(event, state) { var calendar_id = $(this).data('calendar'); window.location.href = '/page/subscribe?calendar_id=' + calendar_id; }); //On click of icon, change active classes $(document).delegate('.calendarIcon', "click", function(event, state) { var calendar_id = $(this).data('calendar'); var id = $(this).attr('id'); if (calendar_id) { $('#calIcon_' + calendar_id).addClass('fc-state-active'); if ($('#listIcon_' + calendar_id).hasClass('fc-state-active')) { $('#listIcon_' + calendar_id).removeClass('fc-state-active'); } //change view from list to calendar, show calendar, hide list $('#fc-view-container_' + calendar_id).show(); $('#listView_' + calendar_id).hide(); } }); $(document).delegate('.printIcon', 'click', function(event, state) { var startDate = $('#full-page-calendar'+page_calendar_id).fullCalendar('getView').intervalStart.unix(); var endDate = $('#full-page-calendar'+page_calendar_id).fullCalendar('getView').intervalEnd.unix(); var calendar_id = $(this).data('calendar'); if (startDate && endDate && calendar_id) { if ($(this).hasClass('emailIcon')) { window.location.href = '/page/page_calendar_print?calendar_id=' + calendar_id + '&start_date=' + startDate + '&end_date=' + endDate + '&email=true'; } else { window.location.href = '/page/page_calendar_print?calendar_id=' + calendar_id + '&start_date=' + startDate + '&end_date=' + endDate; } } }); //if linked from sidebar module change view and date to get vars &view=day &date=2016-08-11 if ('' && '') { switch('') { case 'day': $('#full-page-calendar'+page_calendar_id).fullCalendar('changeView', 'agendaDay'); $('#full-page-calendar'+page_calendar_id).fullCalendar('gotoDate', ''); break; } } });

Little Cypress-Mauriceville High School - (2024)


How many students attend Little Cypress Mauriceville High school? ›

editorial. Little Cypress-Mauriceville (LCM) High School is an above average, public school located in ORANGE, TX. It has 1,014 students in grades 8-12 with a student-teacher ratio of 14 to 1.

What is Little Cypress Mauriceville High school ranked? ›

Lit Cypr-Mrceville High School is ranked #13,242-17,655 in the National Rankings.

What county is Little Cypress, TX in? ›

Little Cypress is a large unincorporated community in the northern area of Orange in Orange County, Texas, United States.

How many kids go to Cypress High School? ›

It has 2,820 students in grades 9-12 with a student-teacher ratio of 25 to 1.

What are the demographics of Little Cypress? ›

Little Cypress Demographics

White: 83.53% Black or African American: 7.87% Asian: 4.82% Two or more races: 2.07%

Is Cypress Texas rural or urban? ›

Large scale residential and commercial development beginning in the 1980s transformed the once rural area into one of the Houston area's largest suburban communities. If it were to be incorporated as a city, it would be the second largest city in Greater Houston.

Is Cypress Texas a nice area? ›

Cypress, TX is a charming suburban community located in Harris County. Situated in southeast Texas, Cypress is part of the Houston-The Woodlands-Sugar Land metropolitan area, offering residents easy access to the amenities and benefits of a big city while enjoying a quieter and more relaxed pace of life.

Why live in Cypress Texas? ›

Living in Cypress means you'll have plenty of opportunities to enjoy the outdoors. The community boasts a wealth of parks, trails, and recreational facilities. One of the standout attractions is Cy-Champ Park, a 50-acre sports complex offering amenities like soccer fields, baseball diamonds, and playgrounds.

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Article information

Author: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Last Updated:

Views: 5999

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (76 voted)

Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Birthday: 1995-01-14

Address: 55021 Usha Garden, North Larisa, DE 19209

Phone: +6812240846623

Job: Corporate Healthcare Strategist

Hobby: Singing, Listening to music, Rafting, LARPing, Gardening, Quilting, Rappelling

Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.