Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana (2024)

PAGE EIGHTEEN Josephine Lowmcm THE PHAROS-TRIBUNE and LOGANSPORT PRESS, LOGAKSPORT, INDIANA SUNDAY, MARCH Good Posture, Exercises Way to Charming Chinline HIGHLIGHTS' Girl Scout News To If your chinlinc has already begun to lose its freshness, Improved posture, plus exercise, will improve the situation. When the dear cut contour of are dead giveaways of a woman's the chin and neck become blurred, age and often betray her into IOCM- that is the time when youthful ap- ing much older tnan sue K. pearance comes under fire. This Touch Chest often happens to quite young women while many other maintain a youthful chinline into later life. Posture has a lot to do with condition of the chin and neck.

The Mowing exercise will give The monthly Leaders Workshop will be conducted Thursday afternoon, March 20, from 1 to 3 o'clock in the Girl Scout Office. Mrs, (Mary Emmerd will be in charge of crafts which will feature gifts and favors for Mother's Day. Mrs. I Emmerd requests that all attending bring scissors', needle, and thimble. Mrs.

George Thomas will give training on keeping troop records. A nursery for small children of attending mothers will be under the supervision of Mrs. Marshall Taylor. Mrs. Yelma Hines, Curve Bar chairman, announce a meeting of Scouts working the Curve Bar for Monday evening at 6:30 o'clock in the Girl Scout headquarters Those attending are asked to bring a raw potato and a knife with a small sh'arp blade for sculpture orinting.

Paul D. Duddleston, camp chair man, will have a meeting of the camp committee, Tuesday evening Officer's Wives Club Of BHAFB Present Social Hour And Fashion Show at 7:00 o'clock in the Girl Scou Ann Landers Engaged Girl Better Learn Of 'Wives Who Listen Club 7 Dear Ann: Dishes not Dear Ann: I'm a boy 18 years beds not made, kids not age who has never had a dale, bitt they can wait. I must write! Although Ive always worked af- this letter i' er sonO01 and made mone case histories Wei, maybe going to talk to her I'm one of the millions of wives I who is privileged to listen to a husband discuss his work. He's a steam fitter. I've made it my 'business to learn all I can about job.

I started a book showing the- buildings in which lies helped-to install heating units the past 15 years. I know almost las much about boilers, pipes, lab' nesting and radiant heat as he jdoes. i Every profession has "The ves 'who Listen Club, and let me tell Miss Engaged, she'd better group up and join the tireii or stay CLINTON louowiuK your neck a lift toward beauty: Office. Robert C. Hammontree of Lie on your back with your legs the executive board will meet witn i.u_ nA Dear Mrs.

C. My hat is off'DOWN', not UP!) to you. You've learned tne real secrets of making age work. Cheers' BLNKER HILL MB. FORCE B'iSB Pe.u from left to 'igbt are Mesdarres Thomas S.

Bohman, Glen R. Hempleman, Imhoff, Richard G. Williams and Samuel i other reason I never tried to have imuch social life. Anyway, I'll be graduating from high school this Spring and I'm worried about my lack of social contacts. The girls at school are all nice and I can think of sever- al I'd like to ask out.

bu; how does ia guy like me begin? The thousht ioi it" GEORGE i You're blossoming out a little ilate, fella but don't worry about it. All kids have butterflies flopping around when they begin to dale. Hold out enough money for a movie and pizza date now and This is only fair. And don't matter. (Look you.

most kids dress sk one of one of vour buddies to double with you, a mar-; then get up your courage and in- j-rite tha girl of your choice. Soon you'll be ready for a solo flight be perfectly at ease. and vou'll I are, elbows and the committee. Representative a( tte officer's club from 4 to 7 p. m.

today. and" I your chin, forward. I'. The key of a gracefully poised nches rorn nsIXL tiuu-wi aiiu the hands up in front of Rochester and Wiili-am Kep- chest. Keep the arms in this cs.

a new- camp committee mem- ber, also will attend the meeting. Miss Shirley Hutchinson, council advisor from the national office in head is the habit of pushing toward the ceiling with the TOP of your head. This streatches the spine through the region of the neck and keeps the chin parallel to the floor. If you will practice drassed this, you will feel a "lightness" lack of tension at the back of your Pain in neck. your legs (stiff knees) just a few floor.

Return legs Chicago, worked the' local council four days this Meet- and con-iing with Miss Hutchinson were: the camp committee, the finance and head to the floor Shave my com- the chinline and thelmittee, the executive committee. a stamped, and neighborhood chairman ana 2 UHlCcr C1UU iiuin i.u p. jii. i.uuwj, Mrs. Richard G.

Williams, president, has announced that bhe program will include a social -IV. HtlJ.l]-iJ\;iiiaii ir-StJi-i i.j.i.w.-, Murphy members of the Officer's Wives club, as they discuss plans for the fashion show to be held bolh 21 and we are ng mar-: ied next month. We've CONFIDENTIALLY: MAD each'other'three years and have MABLE: Don't tell the teacher. i-ium LU p.m. U1 ibeen officially engaged since last.

When she reads the exam papers, Stores tha have contributed fashions indude The Fashion Shop and Bailey's of Logansport; y2V i' sure our marriage will she'll know who copied from although I must'wbom. When I went TO school, be truthful and admit we are'the teachers told us how to sit rvcTvnir it a HUle because there's ito keep the copy-cat-? from pick- hour from 4 to 5 p.m., followed by the fashion show. Stores that hav'e contributed fashions indud- Senger Dry Goods Company and Hall and Son of Peru; and Carl-Ann Shop and Jack Maher an Son of Kokomo. Plans for the show have been under the of the Ways and Means committee, rians -or tne snow imvtr uccu uiiue- v- Robert H. Imhoff, chairman, Mrs.

Glen R. Hempleman, present honorary president, Mesdames Bohman Samp'el W. Murphy and Anderson H. Norton. Mrs.

Jacob R. Till, will be the narrator and models will be officers, wives, and children a citizens of the local communities are cordially invited to attend and tickets will be on sale at Visitors to the base should state to the Air Policeman on duty at the gate, that they are going has stated that he will personally baby on the' way. our brains. 'It works!) This is problem: We have reet all vis.tors ati-y rent money saved and we've made a down-payment on a house that won't be" completed for six months, 'than the We could get a nice nest-ess to- bargain. we for a while.

Both 10. Ad-1 in care the Neck?" No. dress Josephine Lowman of this newspaper. (Released by The Register and Tribune Syndicate, 1958) Mrs. Marshal! Taylor, chairman, 'Sock Hop" Attended By 325 At K.

Of C. aLLGUUC says troops having pennies for the Juliette Low World Friendship Fund may turn them in at the Scout Office. Special Exercises Our necks are made up mostly of muscles, muscles which we do not use very strenuously or very much unless we are active in sports. If we do not exercise them in sports, we must make up for wise these elastic bands may oc 0 sponsored by Alphai" hri CO oki receipts to theling at 3 o'clock. A good attendance I tess to the Mt.

Olive Community UI Ullt) 111 I. L.1..K aftorrnnn 1 the door of the club. A buffet dinner will be served, Melatones" from Rochester. i at a nominal fee, at 7 p.m.. to be fallowed by dancing to parents and hers have invited us: GOLDIELOCKS: The scars of -his love affair will last longer trophies.

It's a bad Flee from Mr. Goi- avoid him as you would mylhe plague. Girl Scout Week had a success' ful cookie sale. Mrs. John Mrs Virginia McCord will re-1 Roll call will be answered with a view "the book "The Silver Platter" Bible verse with "prayer" in it.

by Ellen Berlin. Sewing will be done in the morning with a basket dinner at noon. day afternoon at 2 o'clock, members are askeo to attend. wain, sales chairman, leaders March .23 is the reminds The Past Chiefs club will meet deadline with Lucy Yocum Monday even- Washington school study a will meet Wednesday evening my the to live with them. DUMB DORA: Don't let silence We along fine with both'embarras you.

Wise men talk be- seis but are undecided as to; cause they have something to say. which place should talk because they have to Any suggestions or 7 hints you: say something. (FJato noc could throw our way would 7-30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Mrs. Richard Early will be hos-: James Engle brecht, 800 West Wa- OOCJV JlUp ayvliovri'pu come short and tight or stretched Kappa chapter, Tau Phi Lambda, and flabby, depending on our reme Forest Woodmen's cir- ture or the way we carry our head, i Friday evening at the K.

of should add a couple of neck exercises to their daily C. hall. Gift certificate winners Scout office. desired. Miss Lynn Patty The MONDAY Logan Council, routines.

If your chinline has ready begun to lose its freshness, Miss Patty Rose, Miss Martha improved posture, plus these ex-iGrube, Jim Moss and Tom STiooK.j 1Iie 1 crcises w'H neatly improve ttiei Chaperones were Mrs. KathyUf members and friends situation If you lucky andjNerhercutt. Mrs. Betty Clayton, wmmeet in the of A club rooms have your youthful chinline, I Mrs. Phyllis Sutton, Mrs.

Deej Mon( 3ay at 6:30 p. m. A covered you should "take neck exercises as Morgan, Miss Mfery E. Bougher, a preventive measure. Miss Judy Madonna Mrs.

Mona lovely woman must have a Bian, Mrs. Julia Baker, Mrs. youthful neck and a well defined I Reta Luey, Mrs. Doris Green, chinline. The opposite attributes Mrs.

Virginia Shanks, 'dub Wednesday afternoon i jo'-clock with Mrs. -Gladys Tam st. James Lutheran circle No. and Mrs. Floyd McDowell as co- A mrpmPnK IB will convene Monday evening at I hostesses.

Roll call response will II IUUI U-U 1 ILO 7 30 0 at tne nome of Mrs. ibe "what I would like to do George 1529 16 again" EASTER RABBITS Sitting Rabbits Running Rabbits Standing Rabbits Al! colors and sizes and prices. TIMBEKLAKE'S lene Ervin and William Call-away. Mr. and Mrs.

OUT FOR FIRST TIME ROQUEBRXJNE. France, Winston Churchill ventured outside his Riviera villa again Saturday and' left the grounds for the first time since he suffered an attack of pneumonia Feb. 17. and pleurisy Churchill plans to leave for London Tuesday or Wednesday. dinner will be held.

Members are to bring table service. A so- hour will follow. if I A green auction Hill. Home and Hobby- meet with Helen will be held. (Ann Landers will be glad to you with your problems.

the bride If two" Send them to her in care of this be in the same kitchen and and enclose a stamped house-keeping chores, better it I self-addressed envelope.) i I be a mother and Copyright 1958, Fieid Enterprises, THURSDAY than th 0 her corRbina ti 0 n. I Inc. Excel club will meet with Mrs, fia nce knows how heri M. L. Benefiel, 922 Twenty-tirst; jke5 lhin done and she i Most of the diesel-electnc lo- street.

Thursday evening'at IA doub tedl? be more com-! comotive unite used in freight fortable in her own home than in i and passenger service are from to 2,000 bash avenue. o'clock. Washington street, Monday evening "at 7:30 o'clock. HD club will; Tfte Harrison township HD club Shanks, 448'will meet Wednesday afternoon at PRESIDENTIAL CEMETERY The vours. The lllg rL The Women's Progressive club datg will meet Monday at 2 p.m.

in the YWCA. TUESDAY Center WSCS meet has been changed toi presidents of the own a cemetery United! 1:30 o'clock at the Lucerne Stales own a cemetery on thej Community room. All members i edge of Lancaster, Ohio. A 10-j are asked to wear an apron. stone wall encloses Past President's lea and book bequeathed in 1817 by Nathaniel' review will be featured.

The trip (Wilson to "James Monroe, presi- committee reminds members who dent of the United States and his Tuesday March 18, at 1:15 p.m.jare going on the Chicago trip in office forever." Wil- -r son 0 ped the presidents would 'at the church parlors. There will spring to bring their fare of $5.32 be an election of officers. Mem- to this meeting. iMizpah Lodge No. 26, L.

A. tok ers are to bring their! of R. T. will meet-at 7:30 Mon- Worl( Ban Hilda Dodt, Berniece! Washington township Carroll 3aer, Margaret Rittenhouse and county HD club will meet at the Peari Pugh are hostesses. I home of Mrs.

Ross Downhour day night at the Odd Fellows hall. Tne annual business meeting of the Coterie club will be held Monday at the home of Miss Faith Stevens, at 7:30 p.m. A dessert will be held followed with a business meeting and social hour. electricjvibra massage by REMINGTON ASSOCIATES' RELIEVES TENSION PREVENTS FLABINESS 5 USE THIS AMAZING PILLOW- ANYWHERE ON YOUR BODY! EASES NERVOUS TENSION ALMOST INSTANTLY! SOOTHES KRED MUSCLES! HELPS TRIM YOUR BODT WHERE YOU WANT! Limited Time, Only! .79 Eel I Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock be buried beside the ultimately occupied. rave he i'ei township HD club No.

2lf or a lesson on "Winter like fingers. will meet Tuesday afternoon at que ts an Flower Arrangements" fie name, Digitalis, is o'clock at the YWCA club' rooms an the annual miscellaneous auc- word for finger. Relax and reduce in the privacy of your home with this new scientifically designed cushion! So powerful. No need to disrobel Simply plus in nearest AC outlet and instantly the Rem Vibrating Cushion relaxes and massages your body, feels like a team of skilled masseurs withjieaetrating busy fingers making you feel good again. 0 GOT A BACKACHE? Lie on cushion and feel aches and kinks due to muscular strain ease almost like magic.

Works wonders on neck and shoulder muscles, too! FEET HURT? Stand on cushion and give your throbbing feet the massage they've been beggir.g for. STOMACH MUSCLES FLABBY? Rem Vibrating Cushion firms and tightens abdominal muscles. Surplus fatty tissues from hips and thighs seem to disappear, slims as it trims. 9 WANT TO RELAX AFTER A HARD Hold cushion to your head and know the wonderful relief of a gentle deep penetration massage! TOSS IT OX SOFA OR CHAIR when not in use! Makes an attractive pillow. Young and old will benefit from it.

Operates'on 110 volts A.C. U. L. Pending. Extension cord tucks into hidden pocket Attractive removable, cover.

GUARANTEED DEPENDABLE PERFORMANCE at which time lessons for coming year will be selected. WEDNESDAY sale. A The Music Boosters of Grass Creek school will meet at the FINGERLIKE The foxglove plant gets its name from its flowers, which are shaped Its scienti- ihe Latin AAUW will meet Wednesday at hunch-room of the school Wednes-' tiny head in the Episcopal Parish 1 House on Seventh street. Entertainment will include flute and violin solos by Miss Marilyn Smiley and Miss Margaret Piety, and a Sonato by Telemenn. panel discussion "Our Foreign Policy, will be presented by International relations committee, Mrs.

Laban Fisher, chairman, Mrs. Lloyd Wilkinson, Mrs. C. S. Tidrick, Mrs.

Ed Troy, and Miss Helen Hochhalter. The Metea Baptist Missionary society will meet Wednesday morning at 10 the church. The stegosaurus, a prehistoric dinosaur, was 30 feet long and had a heavily armed body and LAUNDROMAT 24th Market St. Now Open for Business 24 a Dny, 7 Doyi a WASH 20 PERIOAD DRY. Featuring 32 Westfnghouso Commercial Washers 8 Big 50 Ib, Commercial Dryeri Uiirtg only Rain Soft Water Plenty of Free Off Street Parking Self Service Coin Operated Facilities for Starching East Market Street Laundromat ACROSS FROM DANIEL WEBSTER SCHOOL FOR 10 WIN.

Fur Storage Sale MON. MARCH 17 9:00 A. M. 614 E.Broadway LO-OK! Lanolin Cold Wave Onry $4.95 Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

No Appointment Necessary LOGANSPORT BEAUTY SHOP Closed All Day Wednesday 5th and Broadway OVER BAILEY'S AS SEEN ON TV During March only A 3 95 PLAYTEX LIVING' BRA when you buy a Magic Controller or Mold 'n Hold Zipper Girdle The mokers of Ploytex will give you your first Ploytex Living Bra free because they're sure that once you wear it you'll never wear any other bra. You'll enjoy heavenly comfort oil day long with the exclusive elastic design. The bias-cut elastic side panels self-adjust to your every motion. Full, elastic bock won't wrinkle or curL Never shifts, rides or slides. You get this $3.95 bra free when you buy.

one of these figure-ifimrning. Ploytex Girdles: Magic Controller has Magic to slim and support you without bone, seam or stitch girdle- Or panty girdfe. Whit, only $8.95, XI $9-95. As Featured In family Weekly LAST 13 DAYS!.

Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana (2024)
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Author: Corie Satterfield

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Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

Phone: +26813599986666

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.