NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English Chapter 11 Funny Bunny (2024)

NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English Chapter 11 Funny Bunny are part of NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English. Here we have given NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English Chapter 11 Funny Bunny.

NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English Marigold Chapter 11 Funny Bunny

Summary In English
This story is about a foolish bunny named Funny Bunny. One day he was sitting under a tree when one nut fell on him. He became so afraid and wrongly thought that sky was falling. He decided to tell this matter to the king and walked towards. On his way, he saw a hen, a co*ck, a duck and a goose. They all decided to join him and they all went to find out the king. There they all met with a fox who said that he would take them to the king’s home. But fox was so clever that he took them to another place and ate all of them.

Summary In Hindi
यह कहानी फनी बनी नामक एक मूर्ख छोटे खरगोश की है। एक दिन वह एक पेड़ के नीचे बैठा था। तभी एक फल उसके सिर पर गिरा। वह बहुत ही भयभीत हो गया और उसने सोचा कि आसमान टूटकर नीचे गिर रहा है। उसने सारी बात राजा को बताने का निश्चय किया और वहाँ से चल पड़ा। उसे रास्ते में एक मुरगा, एक मुरगी, एक बव्रख और एक हंस मिले। सब ने साथ मिलकर राजा के पास जाने का निश्चय किया। उन्हें रास्ते में एक लोमड़ी मिली, जिसने उनसे कहा कि वह उन्हें राजा के पास ले जाएगी। किंतु लोमड़ी बहुत ही धूर्त थी। वह उन्हें एक दूसरे स्थान पर ले गई तथा उन्हें मारकर खा गई।

Hindi Translation Of The Story
1. One day, a nut fell on Funny Bunny.
“Ouch! The sky is going to fall!” said
Funny Bunny. “I must tell the King.”

एक दिन एक फल फनी बनी के सिर पर गिरा।
“आउच! आसमान नीचे गिरने वाला है।” फनी बनी।
ने कहा, “मुझे राजा को बताना चाहिए।”

Word-Meanings : Nut (नट) -a dry fruit with hard cover, अखरोट। Ouch (आउच) -a word symbolizing pain, दर्द को दर्शाने वाला शब्द। To Fall (फ़ॉल) – to come down, नीचे गिरना।

2. On the way, he met Henny Penny.
“The sky is going to fall,” said Funny
Bunny. “I’m going to tell the King.”
“I’ll come, too,” said Henny Penny.
And off they went to find the King.
Soon they met co*cky Locky.
“The sky is going to fall,” said Funny
Bunny. “I’m going to tell the King.
“I’ll come, too,” said co*cky Locky.
And off they went to find the King.

रास्ते में वह हेनी पेनी से मिला। “आसमान गिरने
वाला है,” फनी बनी ने कहा। “मैं राजा को बताने
जा रहा हूँ।”
“मैं भी चलँगी,” हेनी पेनी ने कहा।
और वे राजा को ढूंढने निकले। जल्दी ही वे कॉकी
लॉकी से मिले।
“आसमान गिरने वाला है,” फनी बनी ने कहा। “मैं
“राजा को यह बताने जा रहा हूँ।”
“मैं भी चलँगा।” कॉकी लॉकी ने कहा।
और वे राजा को ढूंढने चल पड़े।

Word-Meanings : Met (मेट) -assembled, मिला। Sky (स्काई) -the space above earth when we look up. आसमान।

3. On the way, they met Lucky Ducky.
“The sky is going to fall,” said Funny
Bunny. “I’m going to tell the King.”
“I’ll come, too,” said Lucky Ducky.
And off they went to find the King.
On the way, they met Poosey Goosey.
“The sky is going to fall,” said Funny
Bunny.“ I, m going to tell the king.”
“I’ll come, too,” said Poosey Goosey.
And off they went to find the King.
On the way they met Woxy Foxy.
“The sky is going to fall,” they all
said. “We’re going to tell the King.”
“The King lives here,” said Woxy
Foxy. “Follow me.”
And that was the end of Funny
Bunny, Henny Penny, co*cky Locky,
Lucky Ducky and Poosey Goosey.

रास्ते में वे लकी डकी से मिले।
“आसमान गिरने वाला है,” फनी बनी ने कहा। “मैं
राजा को बताने जा रहा हूँ।”
मैं भी चलूंगा।” लकी डकी ने कहा। और वे राजा
की खोज में चल पड़े। रास्ते में वे पूसी गूसी
से मिले।
“आसमान गिरने वाला है,” फनी बनी ने कहा। “मैं
राजा को यह बताने जा रहा हूँ।”
” मैं भी साथ चलँगी,” पूसी गूसी ने कहा। और वे राजा
की खोज में चल पड़े। रास्ते में उन्हें वॉक्सी फॉक्सी
“आसमान गिरने वाला है,” सब ने कहा। “हम राजा
को बताने जा रहे हैं।”
“राजा यहाँ रहता है।” वॉक्सी फॉक्सी ने कहा “मेरे
पीछे आओ।”
और इसके साथ ही फनी बनी, हेनी पेनी, कॉकी
लॉकी, लकी ड्की तथा पूसी गूसी का अंत हो

Word-Meanings : Tell (टेल) -to convey, Canal Soon (सून्) -in a short time, जल्दी ही।

NCERT Textbook Questions

Reading is Fun
Question 1.
Fill in the blanks with correct words.
सही शब्दों की सहायता से रिक्त स्थानों को भरो।

  1. One day, a nut (a nut/the sky) fell on Funny Bunny.
  2. Funny Bunny wanted to tell the king (the king/the co*ck/the sky) what he saw.

Question 2.
Who said these words in the story?
कहानी में इन शब्दों को किसने कहा?
(i) “Ouch! The sky is falling down.”
“हाय! आसमान नीचे गिर रहा है।”
Funny Bunny.

(ii) “I must tell the King.”
“मुझे राजा को बताना चाहिए।”
Funny Bunny.

(iii) “The King lives here.”
“राजा यहाँ रहता है।”
Woxy Foxy.

(iv) “Follow me.”
“मेरे पीछे आओ।”
Woxy Foxy.

Question 3.
What happened to all the animals in the end?
अंत में सभी जानवरों के साथ क्या हुआ?
Woxy Foxy ate all of them in the end.

Let’s Listen
Question 1.
Funny Bunny, co*cky Locky, Henny Penny, Pocsoy Goosey, Woxy Foxy.
Do it yourself.

Say Aloud
Question 1.
NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English Chapter 11 Funny Bunny (1)
Do it yourself.

Let’s Write
Question 1.
Circle the odd one out:
विषम शब्दों पर गोला लगाओ:
NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English Chapter 11 Funny Bunny (2)

Question 2.
Find the opposites of the given words and make sentences:
दिए गए शब्दों के उलटे शब्द लिखकर वाक्य बनाओ।
NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English Chapter 11 Funny Bunny (3)

Question 3.
Fill in the blanks with the correct words:
सही शब्दों की सहायता से रिक्त स्थानों को भरो:
I read a funny story of a funny rabbit. One day, a nut fell (fell/fall) on his head. He thought that the sky was (is/was) falling. So, he went (go/went) to tell the King. On the way, he met different animals. All of them joined join/joined) him. At last, they met (meet/met) a clever fox. It took them to a forest and ate (eat/ate) them all up.

Question 4.
Rearrange these words to form sentences:
वाक्य बनाने के लिए निम्नलिखित शब्दों को क्रम में लिखो:
(i) on/Funny Bunny/fell/a/nut/one day.
One day a nut fell on Funny Bunny.

(ii) falling/down/the/sky/is/said/Funny Bunny.
“The sky is falling down” said Funny Bunny.

(iii) King/I/must/the/tell.
I must tell the king.

(iv) live/here/the/king.
The King lives here.

Question 5.
Change only one letter of each word and make another rhyming word.
प्रत्येक शब्द के एक अक्षर को बदलकर समान तुकवाले शब्द बनाओ।
For example:
(i) Fell Tell
NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English Chapter 11 Funny Bunny (4)

Let’s Do
Question 1.
Look at the picture. Give the animals the right names.
चित्रों को देखकर जानवरों के सही नाम लिखो।
NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English Chapter 11 Funny Bunny (5)

Picture Story
Question 1.
Look at the pictures. Narrate the story in your language and then in English.
दिए गए चित्रों को देखो। पहले इस कहानी का अपनी भाषा में तथा उसके बाद अंग्रेजी में वर्णन करो।
NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English Chapter 11 Funny Bunny (6)
Do it yourself.

We hope the NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English Chapter 11 Funny Bunny, will help you. If you have any query regarding NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English Chapter 11 Funny Bunny, drop a comment below and we will get back to you at the earliest.

NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English Chapter 11 Funny Bunny (2024)


What fell on the funny bunny answer? ›

One day, _____________ (a nut/the sky) fell on Funny Bunny. Answer: One day, a nut fell on Funny Bunny.

What is the summary of Funny Bunny Class 2? ›

Summary In English

This story is about a foolish bunny named Funny Bunny. One day he was sitting under a tree when one nut fell on him. He became so afraid and wrongly thought that sky was falling. He decided to tell this matter to the king and walked towards.

Why was Funny Bunny going to the King? ›

The main character Funny Bunny thinks that the sky is falling down when it was only a nut from a tree that fell on him. He decided to inform the king about this news and went on a quest in order to tell the king.

Who said these words in the story "Ouch the sky is falling down"? ›

“Ouch, the sky is falling down,” Funny Bunny said these words.

Who is Mr. Nobody? ›

Nobody (Eric Morden) is a supervillain appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics. He is the founder of the Brotherhood of Dada and an enemy of the Doom Patrol.

Who is the friend of Bunny? ›

It was a day like any other for Bunny when he set out in the Briar—that is, until he heard someone calling for help. Never in his wildest dreams could he imagine encountering a walking, talking, and crying carrot!

What did Mrs rabbit tell the baby rabbits when she went out? ›

The widowed mother rabbit warns her four rabbit children, Flopsy, Mopsy, Cottontail, and Peter (the oldest rabbit child) not to enter the vegetable garden of a man named Mr. McGregor, whose wife, she tells them, put their father in a pie after he entered.

What was strange about the rabbit? ›

Strangely, the rabbit was wearing a blue coat and had pink eyes. The rabbit took out a watch from his pocket and said that he would be too late. Alice was amazed to see a rabbit that could talk, wore a coat and even carried a watch.

What was different about the rabbit that Alice answer? ›

The rabbit that Alice saw was different, as it could talk and also wore a red waistcoat and carried a watch.

What happened to three of them after meeting with Foxy Boxy? ›

Answer: All the animals fell for Woxy Foxy's words and he ate them all in the end.

What is the name of the king of rabbits? ›

The Flemish Giant rabbit is one of the largest breeds of domestic rabbits, earning the name, "King of Rabbits." Originally, these rabbits were bred for their fur and meat. It's origins are quite vague.

Who claimed the sky is falling? ›

The nut hit Henny Penny on the head. "Oh my! The sky is falling! I must tell the king!" Henny Penny said.

Who always says the sky is falling? ›

The characters included Henny Penny, co*cky Locky, Ducky Daddles, Goosie Poosie, and an unnamed tod (fox). Henny Penny became convinced that "the lifts were faun" (the heavens were falling) when a pea fell on her head.

What cartoon says the sky is falling? ›

The story of 'Chicken Little' is a very familiar one and has been done a lot (saying it mildly), so once one sees the premise for 'The Sky is Falling' it's not hard to figure out what goes on before even seeing the cartoon.

What did Alice see in the rabbit hole answer? ›

Answer. Alice saw a beautiful garden with beds of bright flowers and cool fountains. 6.

What is the answer to the a of rabbits? ›

a herd of rabbits is the answer... u can also use colony ,husk ,Warren instead of herd...

What did the rabbit take out of his pocket? ›

The rabbit took out a watch from his pocket and said that he would be too late. Alice was amazed to see a rabbit that could talk, wore a coat and even carried a watch. She got very curious and she followed the rabbit.

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