Red pandas, facts and photos (2024)

Common Name:
Red panda

Scientific Name:
Ailurus fulgens



Average Life Span In The Wild:
8 to 10 years

22 to 25 inches, plus tail of 15 to 19 inches

Eight to 17 pounds
Size relative to a 6-ft man:

Red pandas, facts and photos (1)

IUCN Red List Status:








Least Concern Extinct

Current Population Trend:

About red pandas

Red pandas have shot to viral fame for their adorable looks, but there’s a lot more to these elusive animals than their kitten-like faces and striking reddish-brown coats.

Red pandas, which grow to about the size of a house cat, are impressive acrobats that climb and swing on trees in their Asian forest homes, and they once sparked fierce debate about their relationship to giant pandas. Taxonomists previously assigned them to both the raccoon family and the bear family, but DNA research later revealed that they belong to their own unique family (Ailuridae) and genus (Ailurus).

While originally thought to be two subspecies—the Himalayan red panda and the Chinese red panda—growing evidence suggests they may be two distinct species instead. The Chinese red panda is a bit larger and has more distinct rings on its fluffy tail.

Range and habitat

Red pandas live in the rainy mountain forests of Nepal, India, Bhutan, northern Myanmar (Burma), and central China. They spend the vast majority of their lives in trees, where they sleep and sunbathe.

These animals have adapted incredibly well to their environment: They have sharp, semi-retractable claws that help them grip slippery branches, and their flexible ankles give them the unique ability to climb down trees headfirst. This helps them quickly escape predators like snow leopards and jackals, which may have difficulty seeing the animals to begin with: Their coats match the moss clumps that grow on their tree homes, and their black bellies make it difficult for predators to spot them from the ground.

Red pandas even have two layers of fur—a soft undercoat covered with coarse hairs—to insulate them from the mountain chill, and they use their long tail as a wraparound blanket.


Red pandas belong to the order Carnivora, but this has more to do with their biological classification than their actual diet. In reality they rarely eat meat, instead using their powerful molars to grind through up to four pounds of bamboo a day. They also sometimes eat fruit, acorns, roots, eggs, rodents, and birds.

Like giant pandas, red pandas have an extended wrist bone that functions almost like a thumb and helps them grip bamboo shoots. The solitary creatures forage at night and in the gloaming hours of dusk and dawn.


In general red pandas live on their own, but when they do interact with other red pandas, they communicate by arching their tails, bobbing their heads, squealing, or making a sound that scientists call a “huff-quack”—a mix between a duck quack and a pig snort. Pandas who feel threatened may let out a barking sound or release a pungent liquid from glands at the base of their tail.

This smelly liquid also serves another purpose: Males release it to mark their territory when searching for a mate in winter and early spring. They don’t have a big window: females are only fertile for a couple of days a year. They typically give birth to one to four cubs that remain with them for about 90 days. Males take little or no interest in the cubs, leaving the cub-rearing to the mothers.

Threats and conservation

Red pandas are considered endangered by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, the organization that determines the conservation status of plant and animal species. While no one knows the exact number of animals in the wild, a 2015 estimate put the population at 10,000, a 50 percent drop since 1997.

These animals are threatened by people clearing their forest habitat for logging and agriculture, as well as by diseases that can spread from domesticated animals. Hunters also kill red pandas for their fur or inadvertently when the creatures stumble into traps meant for other animals. In rare instances red pandas have been snatched from the wild, likely for the illegal pet trade.

This photo was submitted to Your Shot, our photo community on Instagram. Follow us on Instagram at @natgeoyourshot or visit us at for the latest submissions and news about the community.

This photo was submitted to Your Shot, our photo community on Instagram. Follow us on Instagram at @natgeoyourshot or visit us at for the latest submissions and news about the community.

Photograph by alana smith, National Geographic Your Shot


Red pandas, unlike black-and-white pandas, are not bears.
Smithsonian’s National Zoo

Red pandas can poop the equivalent of their body weight in one week.
National Geographic

Speaking of poop, during mating season male red pandas will leave out piles of it to alert females to their presence.
Smithsonian Magazine

The Chinese word for red panda is hun-ho, meaning “fire fox.”
San Diego Zoo

To conserve energy when temperatures drop, red pandas can put themselves in a “torpor,” which is a deep sleep that slows their metabolic rate.
Red Panda Network

A French zoologist first described the red panda in 1825—48 years before giant pandas were cataloged.
San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance

Red pandas, facts and photos (2024)


How many red pandas are left? ›

There are estimated to be around 2500 to 10,000 red pandas left in the wild, worldwide! This makes the red panda classified as an endangered species.

How long do red pandas live? ›

They prefer Temperate forest with a thick Bamboo understory. Lifespan: Red pandas may live as long as 23 years. They show symptoms of age at around 12 to 14 years old. Gestation: 1-4 cubs are born after 135 day gestation period.

What do red pandas do all day? ›

Don't look for any red panda activity during the day: they usually move around at dawn and dusk, sleeping during the hottest part of the day. They begin their “day” by licking the front paws and then cleaning the fur all over the body in a cat-like, sitting posture in the tree.

What are 8 things red pandas eat? ›

Food/Eating Habits

Because red pandas are obligate bamboo eaters, they are on a tight energy budget for much of the year. They may also forage for roots, succulent grasses, fruits, insects and grubs, and are known to occasionally kill and eat birds and small mammals.

What are the 10 facts about red? ›

Interesting facts about the red colour, you need to know!
  • Red is the first colour the baby sees! Some recent studies have shown that children who are aged barely two weeks can now distinguish the red colour. ...
  • Men and women see red differently! ...
  • Bulls don't hate red, it's just a myth!

Why are there only 10,000 red pandas? ›

Habitat loss, fragmentation and degradation are major threats to wild red pandas. Poaching is also one of the threats to this species, as red pandas are killed for food, medicine, pet trade and their distinctive red fur.

How many babies do red pandas have? ›

After a gestation period of 90 to 145 days, the female gives birth to a litter of one to four, usually one or two young.

How rare is a red panda in real life? ›

Red pandas are endangered, and researchers believe that their total population has declined by more than 50% over the last 20 years. Scientists estimate that there may only be 2,500 red pandas remaining in the wild today.

What is a female red panda called? ›

Answer and Explanation: Red panda females are called sows. The males are called boars and the babies are called cubs, much like the terms used for bears. Red pandas are found in the forests of Asia.

What eats red pandas? ›

The red pandas predators are snow leopards and martens. Humans also kill red pandas for their fur. The red pandas prey are small birds, eggs, acorns, fruit, and small animals.

Are red pandas friendly? ›

Red pandas are not dangerous animals, but they do have aggressive tendencies. When a red panda stands on its hind legs and raises its arms, it displays a defensive stance and may attack the threat with its claws and teeth.

What do red pandas smell like? ›

To alert other pandas to their presence, males mark territory with scent glands on their feet and at the base of their tail. The glands secrete a colorless liquid that is pungent to pandas, but odorless to humans.

Can red pandas be pets? ›


So, next time you see a 'cute' video of a red panda, or any other endangered species, being kept as a pet please don't share it. It may be innocent, however the more shares and views these videos get, the more demand there is for people to take them from the wild.

Do red pandas eat meat? ›

Red pandas belong to the order Carnivora, but this has more to do with their biological classification than their actual diet. In reality they rarely eat meat, instead using their powerful molars to grind through up to four pounds of bamboo a day. They also sometimes eat fruit, acorns, roots, eggs, rodents, and birds.

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