The Arizona Republic from Phoenix, Arizona (2024)

Wanted Help Wanted Kelp Wanted Help Wanted 8888-Help-Ceneral Help Wanted 8888-Help-Ceneral Help Wanted 8888-Help-Ceneral help Wanted 8888-Help-General Kelp Wasted 8888-Help-General Arizona Republic 256-91H CL58 Nov. 12, 1989 8888-Kclp-Ceneral Swensen't Ice Cream Parlour at Arizona Museum ot sci ence ft Technology it looking for Dart lime helo. 15-20 hours weekfi kfv. Start Immediately. Call 256-9388 Mon thru Fri months.

Xlnt Apply 4202 E. Union Hills Dr TEACHER-Musician, exp wchild a must. Creative career. Music Man, Lid 837-2546 Team drivers to pull doubtos coast tp coast, wkly settlements, hospitalization wden-lal, van loads, mostly drop hook, must have verifiable driving cxp, t-80O-42J-38O Telenhone Oiwafnrs Spanish ft Enpllsh speaking. All shifts available.

277-7621 TEXACO FOOD MART Brand new store located at 5180 E. Broadway In Tempe needs Cashiers for all shifts, full ft part time. Starting Wage 14hour. Exp. preferred.

Musi have phone ft reliable transportation. Call Tues. thru 8am-3prn, for Infervlow at 954-0460. Ask for Paula. THAI grocery suprvsrlactory wrkrdrver.

hr. Varied shifts. Will wp store, operate reo, stock ir. varied snm lore, operate shelves, move 50 To tacks, make skins, rent videos, travel tp Tucson ft LA, tor food fadory work, trim nieat, iuuu lawful hui iv, iimiiircai ODcrate marh. load vans deliver ft drive.

Need H.S. dip, 3 mos exp clerk. Knoyv Thai food. Must speak, read, write 1 That. Will phone Thailand to order goods.

Lilly 873-6755 SECURITY persons, maint. people wanted for apt. comm. FL win train. 937-7819 WTS, no fee Security SHOULDN'T YOUR NEXT PAYCHECK COME FROM BURNS INT'L SECURITY lor fufVi pa vallev wide, vc 15 Impied open ngs part time positions n.

Wc offer comDel- tor co cneflt Ittvc wages plus bcncflfs. Join the best; Apply at 2501 W. Dunlap, Ste 102, Phx. EOE. SEMI DRIVERS, experienced, DOT qualified, able Io work ft follow instructions.

Local Statewide ft SW. Apply 9-12 weekdayt, 501 Jackson SERVICE Station Attendant. Appiy txxon ita- 32 St Cacfus SERVICE Technicians for alarm systems. Must have cxp. Highest paid plan In state of Arizona.

Dennis 966-8909 SHIPPERReceiver, cxp, for 1 person whse, xlnt growth oppfv. Heavy lifting, lorklill cxp. Must be self starter. Non smoking office, SW Tempe. Call Mr Jones 438-0808 FT CI 4 Az tic, It maint, exel benefits.

Grunewatd ft Adams Fine Jewelry 955-8450 ShippingReceiving Clerk aentron Corporation a manu-cturer ot power circuits has an openlnd lor a ShippingRe iciving ticrx at tncir Norm scottsdale facility. Applicants should have experience pack aging electronic components and knowledge of UPS and Federal Expresses' shipping requirements both throughoul the U.S. and international. Send resume or apply In person at: Gentron Corporation 7345 E. Acoma St.

Suite 10 Scotlsdale, AZ 85260 EEOE SHIPPINGReceivingware-house, Immed position avail In our non smoking Sc'sdl ofc, lifting req'd, cxp wmanlfcst system helpful. $5hr. benefits Call Gall, 2-4pm, 951-8787 SHIRT PRESSER Position avail Immed, N.E. Scotlsdale dry cleaners, top pay. Call Heidi, 483-6114 SHIRT PRESSERS Scottsdale area.

Exp'd or will train. 949-5351 SHURGARD Storage is looking for service oriented people to develop in management for our chain. Apply al: 6767 W. Chandler Blvd, Chandler. SIGN Shop needs FT General Helper, az or nc req.


OUR HOURS M0N-WED 9AM-4PM THURS-FRI 9AM-1PM Equal Opportunity Employer DDDDDDDHD STEEL TOED SHOES IMMEDIATE OPENINGS If you have a clean neat appearance, nome phone own franspo, steel toed shoes and at least 18ys apply foaav All shlffs 35th Ave i van Byron 2265 Dcscrf Cove (1 Blk of Peoria lor Tad Temporaries EOE BBDDDDBDB STOCKERS SATURDAYS ONLY Long term weekend work for fhose extra $1. Must have car, able to llff 20lbs, stocking grocery shelves. ALL VALLEY LOCATIONS 316 E. FLOWER (2 dIks so. of Osborn) 10410 31 AVE 41 777 SOUTHERN MESA Erjeoioc I I'll i mi in I Success in AZ since 1958 STOCKROOM clerksorder pullers needed for W.

tide MFGR.Ft, will train. 939-8147 ETA, no fee SUNRISE PRESCHOOL New Mountain Park Ranch location, needs warm caring people for cook, van driver all teaching positions. Excellent benefits. 820-1861 days, 899-4669 after 6pm. STUDENTS-HOLIDAY JOBS FT.

S300wk $l50wk gpcnlnfls In Customer Service Retail. Scholarships avail Vector Mktg 9-5pm 242-9677 SUPERMARKET JOBS Steady lobs Immediately available In valley stores. Must dc at least 18 and available to work shifts listed: 3 FT Janitors Gravcvard shift 1 PT ake Decorator wstiy aay nours; wust iave retail cake dec. exp. icvera bkvuc sa sales Uks-rotating snittsftaays JO APPLY: Go to Bashas' at W.

Cprncr of 32nd St ft Ind Sch Rd Phx. ON MONDAYS ONLY from 8am-3pm for In-terylew. Park behind Bashas' and take outside back stairs to 2nd floor INTERVIEWING CENTER. E.O.E.MF SURVEYORS Direct public contact, no 18 yrs, CMS no fee. Phx 279-2270, Mesa 461-1386 TEACHERS AID sclf-contalnd EH class at resid treatment ctr for adoles; HS dip! or equiv )12K, PO Box 8500, Phx 85066 Teachers VISIONQUEST Rugged outdoor career opportunity working with youth, Nat'l Corp.

has full-time positions for CerL secondary Ed and Special Ed Teachers to teach troubled Icenagcrs. Applicants must be ccrtlljcd or able to obtain certification In AZ or PA. Ppsltions best sultcc tor single, men.anq wonion and couples without children. Relocation required fo AZ or PA. Contact Vision- Quest Mon-Frl from 8-5 at I-BUU--I24 or l-OW-Oi- 7368 for local interviews.

EOE TELEPHONE WORK fusl' ull or part time. Have fun lust setting appointments. No sales, upponuriiiy iu corn 15-515 per hour. Experience helpful. 464-0027 8888-Help-Ceneral INTERIOR PLANT CO.

Looking for cxp FT hefp. Call 956-8802 M-F, 8am-5pm Inventory Control Person to Mart Immediately S200wk permanent, ful-I'me, mutt be good wfiguret 4 aWe to Hit. NScorisdale offic. Call Terry Mon llam-2pm only 9(14-3027 JACK 'n JILL or lanitorial couples. GoodyearAvondale.

evenings, wustna phone tear. 949-1221 JAniTCRIALSUPERVISCJl Applications are being taket for evening dav shifts. Mys taken must do cxpericncea ft nign y. of pendabw. Blllnau ungual nciptut Du not required.

437-8386 JANITORIAL Part time evening positions avanapw. rnone transppr-fatlon required. Apply at 760 Janitorial part time eyes day porter. Locations throughout the valley. Must have car he valley.

Must have car 8 inone. Call Janl-KIng oi hoenlx E.O.E. 433-0550 PI JANITORIAL postlon super visor), needed ASAP, Scotlsdale a must. JANtTeSfAtit*rtl AvT-BW jnri nignitWK, unr. ppiy 1930 W.

Peoria 105 H-noon or6-8pm Monday only JANITORIAL, exp'd Bldg Supervisor tor immed PT evet. Mutt be bilingual. Interlace i-17 4Bel! Rd area. 234-0150 JANITORIAL WORK Sunday thru Thursday night. Scottsdale area.

Call 870-0986 JANITORS Expd people, FT perm, day eve shifts, good starting wages, paid holidays, all ar eas oi ine ciiy. yyo-oeoz. JANITORS AND MAIDS Phoenix, Scottsdale, Mesa. Tcmoc Industrial and office cleaning personnel. No experience ro-nnlrpri Fu l-t me nos on! available Immediately.

All snms. Kaio wecKiy. i.u. re- aulred. Apply: 11:00 A.M.

Servrnn 4653 S. 33rd Sfreet, Suite 3 (33ra street wicn Janitors part lime evenings, singles coupies. tast rm Camelback area. 241 -0806 JANITORS SUPERVISORS New lobs starting vallcywlde wnn national company, We're growing because of our good worn. Need exper supervisors to direct office building cleaning wnn nign quality results.

Steady FT days, eves wmius. i up pay. Apply: ABM, 3800 N. 38th Ave, JANITOR-Sub contractor for restaurant in Scottsdale. Call aner ipm won iii-mri JANITOR, swing shift, expe rience preferred.

Drivers cense required, 272-2854 Job coach to train handicapped adults ai ground maintenance work tile, 32hrtwk. Call Sue or oiseia ompe m-nn eoe JOB Dlaeement clrk for eaucanonai service nrm. txp nciptui, out win train. 25-9220 foe KARATE Instructors wanted. No experience nec.

Wc wll train (no Investment), Gl req'q it accepted, iw-mi KINDERGARTEN TEACHER Palp Alio preschool North scottsaaie 96-556B KWIK-STOP CASHIERS and MANAGER TRAINEES. Immediate need for 3rd shift. Now hiring. $5 up per hour after probation period, excellent oenems. Apply in person, 4801 East Elliot, Ahwatukee, 85044 or mail resume.

EOE LABORERS for rebar fabrica tion snop. Appiy: wio Jones 3 blocks north of Broadway) LARORERS Helss, Inc needs 20 people to setup a. aispiay our proaycts. lumo to siart. tan 1(973-3654 LABORERS Short, long term, temporary.

Need car phone. $4 per hour. Hamco Pcrsonnc 1802 N. Central 108. 257-1626.

LABOR Need a lob? We'll find 1(1 Several available. No lee. NRC (Phx) 264-0917 (West doe) 848-9915 (Mesa) 844- LABOR workers needed for snipping rec. Mh. no exp needed.

No fee. 484-02)2 ADC LANDSCAPER wanted. Mini mum years exp. ucpenu-ablc. Good Tjenctlfs.

Apply In person, mn Ave Landscape Customer. Service trouble-shooter Job Incl car pentry work to oe do me oi r.amadas, bridges, g. icbps decorative fencing. Electr ca fftf rnnalr fi. Incl al.

f.HWTH.WMV IWI 11.1,1111 IIIJIUI-atipn of electric clocks, con- jrollcrs special effects lighting. Mln H.S. education required 4 vrs exp necessary. 2 yrs carpcnlry 2 yrs electrical 40 hrswcek. 7-4 Qualified applicants send rcsumeJ or application letter with ad ly Nov 24th, 1989 to Arizona DES job Service, eitn: 732A, Ret 0803129, PO Box 6123, Phx, AZ 85005 Job location Phoenix.

Emo, Pd Ad, proof of authorization to work In US Is required LANDSCAPE MAINT for Gainey Ranch Cmmnty Atsc it accepting applications for he following positions: main-enance laborers crew eader. Xlnt benefits, 40hr orK week. Apply in person; I-2MO-R 650 Gaincv Ranch Rd. (Ml. lew AHaydon) Scollsdalc LANDSCAPE Construction to.

sceKS a rcsponsioic crew leadman with plant material knowlegc I irriganun exwun- encc. Must have own vehicle. Wage DOE.Calf482-1141 LANDSCAPE. Mainlcnace person neeaeo tor new npt community In Chandler. Sprinkler tyttem exp.

needed. Musi be dependable. 786-0613 Landscape Maint Foreman Horticulturist With cxp. In ail aspects ot landscape Call 431-9354 Landscape Foreman, lead- men, Hpeimers Laporers. LANDSCAPE Maintenance pnone car req.

tiean wvk, Exp'd only, dependable. $5hr lb Start DOE. 924-3977 Landscape foreman, lead man, oorers, exp oniy. scoitsqaic rpark 971-8282 LAUNDRY AIDE PT temp position Musf be able to work some weekends, Prev laundry exp preferred, will train dependable person. Musi be able to lift Joibs.

Interested applicants apply at: BRYANS CENTER PcrsonnelOfflcc Corner of 2nd St 4 Dunlap Sunnyslope Plaza Phoenix, az. 85021 870-6329 E.0.6 LAUNDRY AIDE, Needed immediately. Incentive bonus offered. Apply, at Vantage tonvaicscent tenter, bso t. Iomas.

Mon-Frl 9AM-2PM. LAUNDRY, pants presser, snirt presser, tpucn up. cx LEARN HOW TO EARN Wc have PT FT. is In customer service, delivery, cashiers many more for cashiers many mi people who want to Ii their skills Increase mprovc Yfl'ncvi! Mn tftn 32 and you'll EARN WHILE YOU LEARN I NAN ntedTj a lev area. id! Is Forever 431 LIVE rent Irco In return for maintaining my Rcnnci prop erty ana aogs.

previous exner ence preferred. No chil dren or pets. Send resume to: P.O. BOX 50013, PhX, 85076 LOCAL CAR RENTAL Co iecxing toi attendants tor tun I part-time positions. Must be have clean driving ecord ft aWe to deal wen kui, now yvmi uiiviiiv I ft able to deal wen general public.

Jean258-19lS ump salary LOCAL. Welding Sypi ding Supply Co. immed. Must be DOT, physical needs oriver able A nA clea 7011 driylng recor 7th St. Mon- 8888-Help-General KCmEKAKERS Light housccleaning as part of a professional icam in me Vallev.

Immediate ooenl and Ideal hours. Equipment tralnlna provided. No cxp nec. MAID BRIGADE ZD-0517 ROSE CLEAnmG DON'T SETTLE FOR LESS! Earn per hour, 20 to so pours per wecx mileage, sick pay, paid vacation ft paid noiigays. laiivff-a i 11649 Cave Creek Rd, Pnx.

Home Manager for residential home for pregnant adolescent girls. 19th AveNorthern. Must be 55yrs of age or older meet low income guiaeiines. Must be avail for Saturdays oycrn gm. 2unrswK tn Den.

ctit*. 997-6105. EOE MF HOUSECLEANERS Professional Home cleaning, Merry Maids, earn Sick pay paid vacation, car necessry. Call 582-2232. Apply 3414 W.

Union Hills, I5T or 439-531 at 14021 N. 51st Ave MCII3 UAIICCfl CAUCD Immorfl ate opening for exp'd working homes. Musi have dependable PT, Mesa Tempo area, need car phone. 730-1985 HOUSEKEEPER housekeeper who Is energetk: ft reliable. Exp preferred, excellent benefits, medical, dental vacation plans.

Must have own transportation. Ap ply at xancno muricna, ii 5. Dorsey Lane, Tempe be tween iu-6. tut Housekeeper needed Immedl- property. Dependable, good neann, pripc in worn penon mancc and prcylous apt.

cxp. a must. Do not aoolv unless you arc looking for a stable position. Good wages and pcnctiis. taiivw-Mifii HOUSEKEEPER needed for West PnocnTx apartment community.

Hourly waae benefits 90 days, Sprlngwood its. 2mu n. i si avc. nx. or 3-2100 Housekeeper needed for luxury apt complex Scottsdale, 320 units.

txp preterrca M-F. Sal -l benefits. 990-0522 HOUSEKEEPING JANITORIAL FT, days, general cleaning. FT floor maintenance SCOTTSDALE MEMORIAL HEALTH SYSTEMS, INC. Personnel Department 10450 N.

92nd Street Scotlsdale, AZ 85260 860-3909 Equal Opportunity Employer HOIISFKFFPING STAFF Experienced. Now being hired tor tast Mesa rcsori. worn schedule Includes Sat, 8. Sun. and some even na sh Its.

Ap ply Mon-Frl. 8-5, 986-8404 Ask tor Mac or Linda HOUSEWIVES. You can earn $4.50 to $6.50 hr. PT while Kids scnooi nouseciean ng. We train, (urn.

everything. Immed opening for neat energetic gal wdcpendable auto. Work Tn Sun City. 974-0815 House Cleaners, FTPT, xlnt wages, gu nrs, must nave carphone NE Phx. 992-6602 HOUSE PLANT MAINT, no cxp nec, will train, trans needed, FT or PT.

948-7321 ICI Advanced Materials has the following entry-level opening at our Deautllul new research and development facilities In south Tempo: FACILITIE Job duties In facfH1losv clc lllfcbAI ItNUANI inciuoe maintaining cleanliness- interior lor; furniture as and cxtcrlp sembly and relocation; various support services for offices, labs and conference rooms. Requirements for this position Include HS diploma or equlva-ent. Wc oiler a complete benefit package. For Immediate consideration send letter of Interest or resume, with aiary mstory, to: h.a. turns, Drawer 61750, Phx, AZ 5082-1750.

EOE, MFHV. DDDDDDDBD Vanguard SECURITY IMMEDIATE OPENINGS For 15 Security officers, Full Part time Paid Training Uniforms Provided without charge Wages Above Industry Standards Paldyacatlon Credit Union Weekly Payroll Recruitment Bonus Program REQUIREMENTS: High School GradGED Trienhone :1 ransportation ood Health lean Criminal Record 5370 N. 16th St. .209 EOE Phx 265-6981 DDODDDBBD INDIVIDUAL needed to con- ayct educational surveys. Ability to talk to people 8, good transportation only qualifications-Call Mr Saturday 890-8900 DBDDDDDDD INDUSTRIAL SEWING st 8, 2nd shifts, wcstslde loc, a must.

Apply Mon-Frl 1:30 of fc PR Tempt, 4434 1. 12th St 202, Phoenix. PDDDDDDOD INTERIOR Plantscape tech, parnime, seii-monvaieo, reliable transportation, a love for plants a must, salary based on exp. Apply at Everything Growt. f44-2180, 7055 7th SI INVENTORY CONTROL ASSISTANT paddock Pool Patio Is looking for an aggressive Inventory control assistant.

This Is an entry level position, with advancement opportunity. Minimum requirements: 60wpm typing, 10 key by touch, two years of on inc retail inventory or accounting experience. Must be goal oriented and enlov working un der pressure. Position entails heavy CRT use. Preferenci oiven to someone wi anitjA 36 background.

Must be dcta oriented and extremely gooi vylth numbers, competitive starting wage with excellent Denetns. appiv ii Monaay inrougn 6525 E. Thomas qalc, no pnonc Equal Opportunity Employer. JANITORIAL RESTR00M SANITATION SFRVICF Flkcs of Phoenix has an opening lor a responsible malete-malc to do route service work. Excellent pay tor oner-get worker.

Dependable vehicle required. Wc will train. Apply Monday at: 5033 N. 19th Ave nlOO JANITORIAL Troubleshootcr positions available. Reliable transportation 8.

phone required, $4hour 4 mileage paid. Call 275-3006 for more Info. EOE MWLiRd. rca, 5-7 avs nor week. Must be ma- ure, dependable, steady 1 ocatlonlob.

Bob 870-0986 PROjilfluPERVISORS Part Time Full Time Experienced Reliable Call 870-0986 JANITORIAL TEMPEPHOENIX AREA PaR timefull Time evening positions vycekend positions available. $4up. Call 641-1166 aflcr 1pm for Interview. JANITORIAL COUPLE Wanted for Immediate hire 1-17 8, Union Hills area. Background check necessary.

437-8386 ii MAKE J3.5C0 A WEEK TRUSTEIjjiAjJES BIDDER KAnAGERS Couple to live on-site man- Mnfi mini 1nf flp Honosf. de pendable, sales oriented coupie recora Keeping (His. suomii resume to 4jy Stetson 205 Scotlsdale. A 7 ozi I. MANAGERS, Attt Manage and cashiers.

Mator Subsidiary taking appHcationt i at tne fowwing pd Marts: 32nd SI rot i Shea, 91sf Ave ft Thomas and El Mirage ft Weil eH Rd. Mutt be at leas! I9yri ot age, nexme, ana mm ro work varying shifts which 3 tay Include Saturdays, Sun-ayt, and Holidays. EOE, MANAGER for 4-unit apll Discount on rent. Mutt tpeal Spanish ft English. 944-9666 MANAGER needed for small mobile Rome park In West Phoenix, will trade rents ott 2br house or spaco If you have mcoiie nome.

eu-uuui rm-r -WirihaOLKlRAiliEtS Progressive rent-to-own co Ii nokina for outaona sel starting people to learn all facets of store rental operations. Format hands on training including sales, collections A mamt. Must bi over 21 wpd driving record. stari ng salary oyer si.auu. Good fringe benefits.

Apply In person at Telesound Rentals. 5B2B yy Thomas ho pnx. 3327 W. Peoria Ave. Phx.

MANY positions avail for de. pchdable females preferred to genver pastries to oiutes m-r eam-llam. Use your car, low mncs wkiy Mj-ttJ4 MarshaN Fruit Siand Counter sales, cashier, packing, shipping, ft pickert. Seasonal: Nov 20 start. 979-4175 WW aner pm, anytime aunuAT MASSEUSE, Licensed or will train.

253-3242 Mature couple to manage 20 wkly studios, Capitol area. Furn apl utll small comm tail 8-5 Mon oniy tw-vibi MATURE people needed to Increase customer baH' by using your personality. Magic Touch Cleaners, 4730 E. Indian Schoo Rd, 840-3320 Please asu tor sanay STATURE people, PT for otel gin shop. 7am-2pm ft 2pm-l0pm.

Apply in person. ail UKttHWflT xu MECHANICS PTFT, some equlpthydraullcs. Apply 9-4 Sonora Nursery, Grand Ave 3'2 mncs nw 01 bcii ko MECHANIC For CO trucks, machines, building, must have own tools, i years exp, apply 1230 W23St, Tempo. MERCHANDISERS STOCKERS Immediate assignments avail able tor stockcrs. Must have own vehicle.

Wi iicic.wiii dc tr ravefina between 2 locations, ft mileage Ions. Xlnt pay Must clean cut Call today, clean cut ic dependabi ic. Phoenix 70-4500 39-2530 Mesa KKS Personnel Temporory Servlcei EOE NO FEE MF MERCHANDISER Malor Ice Cream Co. Established grocery store route, salary comm. Good earnings, benefits mileage paid.

Dependable transportation required. Apply In person 5800 Thomas Rd 16. MILKER, Exp'd only. Apply l'0am-4pm Mon-Frl only. See Jerome 2900 W.

Dobbins. MINI STORAGE Manager couple needed to run iaroe mini storage facility. Musf have background In sales or customer relations to liailuiu yjvwtv. kumuhcj uui- slde maintenance. Apply Su-rcway Propcrfles, 4020 N.

20thSt.312. MODELS ft DANCERS 10 Wanted for: GRANDOPENING No Experience Necessary JfcXP ssuu-SNUuuWK aa ary. 3333 Dunlap, Suite 10) ModelsDancers No cxp nec. Pd daily 863-2736 or 995-4443, Fantasy Island MODELS, private room, Ln-I 949-194 Model private room lingerie ft dancing. iSOO-100Q weekly.

Elite 248-9282 MODELTALENT Tired of the run-around? This industry has worKea people yst like you for years without he charm school, ether vou have If or vou don't. Call the Wustry consultants at Tondu siuoiosioaay, 264-jsji MODULAR. Furniture Install- ers needed for Ibcalnat'l co Applications acccptea at: xcpted a IS 4th Ave 200 Mon-Frl MOLLY MAID of Scottsdale needs assistant maids PT FT call M-F 483-9754 EOE MULTI Line dealer looking for malure, responsible person to install mobile cellular, telephones. This last paced position requires a willing to learn person capable of worklni well with other people, 0001 hours, pay (1 Co benefits. Asl for Jim Spltfcr, New Car Prep AAAnaflpr.

NEW CAR PREP DEPT 1521 CAMELBACK RD Apply Mon thru Wed 10-3pm NAPA auto parts counter people, exp'd, In Fairbanks, Masks. Send resume purdik. Brown ft son's auk Partt, 1001 College Rd, Fair, bankt, Alaska 99701 Durdik, Brown ft Sor NAIL TECH, share studio, low share si mall, Shea. 443' rem, in oe SE crnr scotisaaie, 016U NATIONAL carpet cleaning company nas immeuiaie ppenna tor trew lureman, Must nave 1 gn duty truck, van or wagon. train, tan 42-u vi.

NATIONAL expansion has createq openings lor uienuiy hardwprKlng people Intcr- isieu III eoininu d-ij qn our. yve otter complete raining for your Job as a Varrantv Consultant. We work Monday-Thursday Saturday prnmgs in our acoiisuae ices, wc ore mnng immeai- so can now m-im txt icfween Koltxib Transportation, I nc. needs 48 states O.T.R. drivers with 2 or more years flatbed experience.

We otlpr the best In benefits, pay and equipment Including Medical 11 uentai pd Holiday ft Vacation Up to solo starting Up to fcam starting New tractors vycll maintained Mostly conventional equip lOspds wJakes Come see us at our new expanded aclllty. 44M W. Camelback NEED EXTRA MONEY? Guaranteed Salary Plus $6-9 PER HOUR FLEXIBLE HOURS If you could use an extra $200 tp $300 per week working part time Dearfield nas the Ideal position for you. Dearfield Is in need ot enthusiastic and responsible Individuals to contact our established customers dv pnoni bv phone. Eve-ir weekends.

Co. Is iytn Ay ft Cam-iSJTIONS AVAIL- pings anaor locatea neat elbac ABLE IMME.DI IIA1LY. ft profci Pleasant professional environment training pro- rtlve statf At hours Interview 246-2868 NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN MEDICAL for a iran career In medical field. Accept cmplpy- ment now as Nurse! Flic clerks, Office tants. Nn fee.

ses Aids, ASSIS- A New Beginning 242-9841 242-9882 NORTHWEST Large warehouse needs cxp. srapplngrccclying clerk fa-mi lar with UPS, who can lift 75lijs. Temp to perm position. 24r8-TEMP(8367)noeo TOPTALENT INC. viaea Call tor PT CLERK lor small family store.

Nights ft weekeds. Maturepref.863-1317 pT morning pastry route, E. Phx area, Icmalc preferred, Call 840-9112 REDI-MIX drivers wbooster exp only, Exp semi-end dump drivers. 25yn 582-8)44. Retidential Instructors ft Managers needed to work wmentaHy retarded individu als in orouo nome telling.

FTPTon call, variety ol hours available, Entry level $5.15 ft up. Mutt be 21. Apply atl10MN.23rdDr.vl02 RESIDENT MANAGER Mature, exp'd resident man- 3ii complex, must kas Inn malntc- es apartmem. Call RETIRED, Intelligent, pcntle- man, good health, light pn it prop- nianquuinuiii, jlno, small salary. 257- ROLL No stuffed shirts, no lies.

Pro Sales hat 22 openings as a Pub. Rep. Need enthusiastic people to work in Rock ft Roll environment, kqck io worx, -fsK- to-5 Travel malor cities ft resorts, 2 wkt exp. pd. training program.

No exp nec. Return trans, guar. Salaried position. Above avg. earnings bonutet for those who can start immed.

For Interviews, call Stephanie Cochran, 392-0114 8am-6pm, Route Perron electronic andor mechanical exp helpful, mutt be 21 yrs, xftn driving record a must. $1000 sal a month to start. 649-1410 RUNNERCOURIER Professional office needs FT Sourlcr for Phx area. Must bo ependable, have good transportation, clean appearance. Storfs Immed.

Call Mon ft Tue, lOam-noon. Ask for Gene, 285-0495. lndSch7th St SALES AGENTS Seeking individuals who enjoy extensive public contract. FT ft PT Doslt ons available. RT typing cxp.

required. Pretcr exp. but wll train, Please apply. 'Carfimtal 4114 E.Washington SALES CLERK: Paint FT, apply 2-5 weekdays: Sine Hardware 7150 51st AveGlcndale SALES Person needed for gift basket shop In Los Arcos Mall Must be well groomed and personable, retail experience a salary commission. For the right person.

998-3069 SALON ASSISTANTS needed No Experience or He. Necessary C.B. No Fee 956-9255 SANTAS ELVES Temporary Full Part Time Santas Helpers, MF. Sugar Plum village at Tower Plaza. 267-1991 SANTA'S ft PHOTO Helpers Park Central Mall Thanksgiving-Christmas 921-7363 School Bus Driver, over 25vrs, small Christian scnooi, 120day.

AMPM. 248-0656 SCOTTSDALE Agency needs agent. Must be experienced. SEAMSTRESS must be experienced in alterations ft dressmaking. Call 897-7696, SEAMSTRESS-exp'd, industrial machine, flex hours, PT FT.

North Scottsdale 390-1122. SEAMSTRESS Experienced only 870-1906 SECURITY CBA nnnHnrl ImmnHiAtnlv Aft ofli. cers, rnalefemale vallcywide complete bencl*t package, up to Overtime avall- ab e. Ado In net LbA btLUKt I 6330 E. Thomas Rd, Suite 130, Scottsdale SECURITY CBA (12) Armed officers needed Vallcywlde, dayswing retail security, Weapons supplied qualified applicants.

Apply in person CBA SECURITY, 6330 E. Thomas Rd, Suite 130, Scottsdale SECURITY GUARD 18hrswkends. Call 1113-14 0800 10 0900, 279-7991 INC. SECURITY OFFICERS DRIVERS FTPT PAIDTRAINING HOLIDAY PAY UNIFORMS PROVIDED ftequlrcd: phone, transporta-ion, S1.GED diploma. Ap- iiy at 2741 w.

souinern io, empe. (SE corner 48th St outhern behind Carts Jr.) SONlTROL'. SECURITY OFFICERS $4.50 hr to start All vallev bcaflpns Extraordinary benefits. Career growth potential CPO certification avail. 269-1957 3464W.EarlDr.,Stc.B Phoenix, Arizona 85017 SFCURITY OFFICERS Putt ic to arnwfh in the vallev.

Sill tlmn Dart I me nnsltlons. Reaulremenfs-Over IB vears of age, no criminal records or use of drugs. Phone ft transportation a must. Apply In person at 2711 N. 24th Street 12.

Dictoguard Security. DDBDDDDDB SECURITY OFFICERS VALLEY WIDE OPENINGS Imm openings, ft-pt. Start up. aia prom arlno, uniforms Kaia vac, Affiliated Security Svstemt 2701 E. Thomas Rd, Suite 9am-liamor ipnwpm DDDBDDDDD SECURITY officers needed.

All shlffs avail. Valley wide loc. Advmnt opporfy, Arizona Protection Agency 423-0187 SECURITY OFFICERS: Chrls-fpwn Mall now seeking experienced Security Officers. Musf have prior tlrcarm experience, Pre-employment physical and substance screening required. Pick up application af the Customer Information Desk In front of Pennev's.

No phone calls piease. SECURITY officers nccded.AII shlffs avail. Valley wide loc. Advmnt opporfy. Arizona Protection Agency 423-0187 Semi driver opening.

Requires DOT phys cal card, class 4 license, at least 25 vrs of age, afleast 5 yrs verifiable driving Early morning hours, te exp helpful. Depend-ly a must Apply In person all above mo- 307 Buckeye Rd attn: Rick SERVICE REP FOR MAJOR S0FTDRINK COMPANY IMMEDIATE OPENING Handle Doth Scottsdale ft E. Phoenix, checking prices 1 displays. Work own, hours, drive own car, Good salary with expensive taste. ADIA The Employment People 2701 E.

Camelback 333 224-5600 SHIPPING CLERK SvscpContlnental Foodservice has an open ng for an experienced Shlpp ng Clerk. Responsible for spli ng tickets, driver checkln, sett ng uo paper work foi )r outuouno Inn Ic frill- loading. This posit cat for a dctallorlcntcd person who Is self motivated and requires little supcry slon. This Is a Sunday thru Thursday position with a 3 o'clock PM start lime. Apply at 4545 N.

43rd Ave. Phx. 8am-3pm. EOE MFVH PEST CONTROL Needs clean-cut, certlfie ipreyer wciean mvk. pay, lots ot work.

275 6916 PEST CONTROL COMPANY Needs certtermlte exp tech. MOn-Frl 1-5, W6-B47Z. POOPERATCnS DAYSOREVEtCSS FULL OR PART TIME Need Immed, to individuals to work In our advertising and tel. contact dept. HIGH PAY i 1XT No exper? We tralnl Excel.

ami i let. mamt.opportunilies. STU DENTS ft Senior Clliient wet come. CaH Terrl 234-1196. PKKJE OPERATORS jl time, nights ft weekends, iliinguai pret.

Yellow tap, Mohave, M-F 8am-3pm. Photographer Exp'd tludio pnotographert position now available. Growing company. Good opportunity for right person. Apply Tues-Fri Jodl Lvnn Sludiot (either location) $332 N.

7th Ave. or Metro center tupper PHOTO FINISHING FAST 1-H0UR F0T0 Immediate opening for Custom Lab Manager mln. 2 years exp. Knowledge. of Luchf package and Kodak S-S Rrlnters; plus video transfer, on-smokcrs; salary DOE.

Send resume to 1140 W. Alameda Tempe 85282 Packaging position-tor Cus tom Lab. Must pe organized ana can worx unaer pressure. Entry level. Apply 1140 W.

Aiameaa icmpe. Pvnerlenred Mlnl-I nb not I Hons- Immediate openings for lull and part-t me and stpre managers. Nornsy exp. a pius. Nnn-smokers preferred.

Ap ply 1316 S. Gilbert; 5.110 Rural; 10893 N. scorn Rural; 10893 N. Scottsdale; 817 W. Montebcllo; 3602 W.

18 Bell PurchasingWarehouse Assistant. Knowledgeable In shlpp ng and receiving, ot Bierchandlse ancf supplies, eavy llffing, own truck or van. Salary DOE. Apply, 3033 N. 44th St.

250 Mon-Fr 9-4 PHOTO LAB TECHNICIANS National Photo Company has Immediate openings tor experienced photo lab technicians. Positions available Include: Printing Packaging Receiving Film Processing Prespllclng Supervision We offer: Excellent Start Pay Advancement Sick Pay Credit Union Complete Benefits lerase apply M-F, between Phototron Corp. 9 North 3rd Street Phoenix, AZ 85034 E.O.E. PHOTO retail salespersons for fast growing company. Openings In Mesa, Tempe, Phx, Musi have photo background strong safes.

Good salary comm. benefits. Photo-mark 2202 E. McDowell, Phx. Photo Trainee: Start now with exciting photo co.

We train. 246-2595 PINKERTON tamrltv Ofllrnrs 10844 23 AVE 101 EOE 8am-4pm Pleasant, dependable, mature person needed to work In the mornings ana possioiy in jne afternoons photograph.tni newborn rn paDics and yisitmi i tv patients at St. Jo serjh's HnsDta ocatcd be. fween Thomas 3rd Ave, Need to be available 1 dav out of the weexendT No experience necessary. Salary based ence necessary, salary uasep on commission.

Spanish speaking helpful, Interviews will be held on Monday No- member 13, at 12nopn in.thi Family Birthing center at st. Joseph's Hospital, Ask for Carmen. DO NOT CALL HOSPITAL. POOL TABLE Fadory, Hire assembly, re pair, ae exp. prci.wiii train handy right men.

can ariv handy Ive rec. Apply 942 w. empc. Preschl lead teacher for Multicultural Mlgual Cntr hi SCnfrl Phx, CDA pref'd. exp'd req'd.

252-4911 PRESCHOOL Seeking fullpart positions. We need energetic caring people to loin our team. Xlnt benefits. Wcstslde 486-0268 or Easfside 967-8100 Preschool hiring asst fluent in JapaneseSpanish or French to play wklds, No exp, nec. PT, 7 AveThomas 266-8304 PRESCHOOL Teacher needed FTPT.

Exp required. Full program available, Apply at 9510 75th Ave 878-0986 PRESCHOOL Head Start teacher aide, 29Grccnwav, Good benefits. Apply, by Nov 30. 1366 Thomas Rd100 PRESCHOOL Scotlsdale, Reeds maturecaring pt ft ft elp, all shifts 945-1121 jlESCHQOL Teacher FTPT Exp. pref.

Above mln. wage. Child Town USA 957-8357 PRESCHOOL TEACHERS PTl FT. MBE EXPU 277-6459 ppFtrunni staff New school now hiring all positions, Ft ft PT. 133 Preschool teacher for 1 year plds.

to Must fove kids. Peoria, 979-4129 PRESS OPERATOR for single color sheet fed 20'' Palm Springs area. Fulltime, permanent. 619-345-1399 PRJ-Schgol teacher, exper, FT or PT, benefits educational reimbursem*nt. 961-3510, 759-0824, 892-4255 PROCESS Servers needed, I -censed with experience, apply 42 Mariposa, Phx Properly Malnt: seeking exp i turpi i SUM novers.

own tools, To $1100 apt. Call Kathy, United Pers Serv. 265-0210 PR WORK. Growing glass co needs pleasant, gregariout person to tervlce account! PT. Ideal for housewives wschool aged kids.

Salary DOE. Mr. Kunet, 264-5926 DDDDDDDDD PT SPA ATTENDENT VILLAGE TENNIS CLUB Part time poslflons to work In the mens spa and the wpmpns spa. Must be available to work flexible hours. Rcspons-blle for general cleaning and light maintenance oi the spa areas.

Musi possess good cu-fpmcr service skills and the ability to work Independently. Please Apply: Corporate Headquarters 6001 N. 24th.Sfrce rnocnix, il djuio EOE MFHV DDDDDDDPD Public Relations $600 PER WEEK NEW CAR 5 HOURSDAY You've probably heard these ridiculous stories, but we are no story tellers. Here's what our national company will guarantee (or the right people RIPS, MANAGEMfcNI, NPMUCHMUK6. or HO In Phx.

AZ otters this to those who qualify. Must enioy people pe wining to work. Interviews will be held by company staff on Tuesday 1114 loir, sharp. 38M E. Unlvcrs ty, Suite 4.

1 mye E. of 1-10 University. Ask for Mr. Sliver. No calls please, pportunlty knocks.

PUT up small signs on weck- enqs, average tiunr. piecu pick-up. Routes arc N. Phx. Icpltsdale area.

MUST BE DEPENDABLE 4 available every weekend. 839-6 16U PT Janitorial Supervisor. Send resume with salary re- 8ulremenls, exp 4 refs to: ox 83501, Phx, Al 8507) PT National' company has daytime ft weekend shift opening for CRT Basic typing required. Will train. 482-8914 Rec Counselor at Coed resld tx ctr lor EH adofes; phyt ed deg or related Held; evetwkndt; I14K.

PO BOX Phx 85066 NEEDED Independent contractors to do soldering ft assembly at home. Must have Need owner operators Incen tive program avail. Must have syall. Must d. Tandem hn 437-21 19 Mvk tt car ax- tes.

ASK for John ilEED parttlme sales clerks (or factory, quflef sfore 32StBcll Rd. Starting pay candidates should apply at Antigua Sportswear, 9319 N. 94th Way Scottsdale NEWMAN'S MKT PLACE 5-4pm no phone calls please Night Driver wdep trantpo needed. Salary auto expense. E.VaHey 979-7355 NIGHT GUARD 4 nights on, A off.

Sorne lanitorial. Prefer retired In good health. 955-7020. NOW HIRING MEATCLERKS JJUJllfcRS. SEAFOi PRODU Immediate placement avaif tor applicants to work Ft ft.

PT In the val ley's most unique food stores, Apply Reav's Ranch Market Gilbert ft Brown Mesa. NURSERY LaborPlumber, PVf A irrlaation exDerlence necessary. Immediate. Sohora Nursery, appiy.v-vvjrana A' 3'? miles nw 01 Bell Rd OFFICE PRODUCTS Retail store sales, immed opening, exlnt bnll pkg, Sctsdl 947-7275 I OFFICE TRAINEES Are vou unskilled? Train for marketable lob skills. Accept employment now as Cashiers, Waitresses, Office Clerks.

No fee. A New Beginning 242-9841 242-9882 OLAN MILLS now has Irnme- dlate openings tor time itina Sat delivery 1 nn re cllab 1. PI aat Ivrs. Must be IRvrs, haye rellal vehicle. Glendale Phx area.

Call M-F after 3:30 849-5832 OPEN Customer service cashier positions for eager workers. FT only. No fee. NRC (Phx) 264-1139 (Westridge 848-9915 (Mesa) 844-2239. ORANGE TREE GOLF CONFERENCE RESORT Scottsdale's newest resort hotel Is In Immediate need of experienced GROUNDSMEN GARDENERS Wc offer competitive pav ft excellent benefit package (Blue Cross).

Conducflng Interview jryjs-Thurs fam- coltso'ale (Front Desk) OTR Driver wanted, 48 States OUTSIDE Info Surveyors pl am't, great pay, flexible hrt. will train.257-9226 tee Owner Operators Needed Specialized Carrier Weekly pay RoadFuel taxes paid -48 State or 13 Western state fleck Your trailer or ours Flrsf put dispatch. GrcgShlrlev at 1800) 759-1146 OWNERQperatprt with 3 axle tractors pull refrigerated trailers between Yuma ft Phoenix. 272-6671 OWNEROpcrators with 3 axle Iractors to run 11 western states. Paid weekly.

932-4455 PAINTER Tempe apartrnent commu-nlfy. Immediate opening, full time. Fast, neat, willing worker. Prefer experience all phases pf apartment painting. Apply In person weekdays Foxtrce 2W N.

Scottsdale Rd. Hall Financial Group Palm Harbor Homes. Inc. local mobile home mlg. accepting applications for exp'd forkliff operalort ft recelvert.

Apply in person, 7am-2pm, 309 S. Perry Tempe. No Phone Calls Please PARK ModelMobile home set-up people, needed Inimcd, Truck and tools a plus but not required. Pay based on experience. East Mesa location.

Apply Mon-Frl, 8-5. 986-8404 Ask to' Mac or Linda PARTS COURIER Need person who knows Phx Metro area to run parts interoffice mall. Must have anod drlvlna record be insuraoie grivcr. appiv in per son only af Ace Aerco Rentals 2224 Grand Aye, Phx. No calls please.

MF EOE, Parttlme CASHIER This flexible schedule will Include weekends. Some exp, nec. put will train. Please call Martha or tanla, or apply In person: LAMPS PLUS 9001 No. 29th Ave Phx, AZ 997-5544 PARTTIME Canvasser, $10- szunr commission possipie.

PARTTIME Phones light PARTY RENTAL has perma nent pi pnoncsaiesgcnerai position. Apply at TOO Indian School Rd, Scottsdale PART TIME positions In icmpe ft wengaio. skiiis instructor for Group Home serving the mentally retarded. High schoolGED, AZ driv er's license phone roquii red. 1094.

PART TIME $80mo. Mon-FrL Sat 10-4. 3 customer rept ft attl mgr. for Camelback Development. 1 vr Valley ret, current employment req.

Phx office 381-6764 DADT TIME I AQIhlft Leasing AgenF needed, bilingual preferred, salary commission. Apply Poco Jar- din III 4032 sborn Part lime Class Room Aide for private scnooi tor nanai-cappea children. Experience with autistic students, fi Five hours per day. yys-7366 PARTTIMF cnnls host at private club, ennls experience preferred, all 951-2879 btwn 8am-4pm. PART Time cleaning homes, East vaney, $5 per nour, car required.

860-1944 PERMANENT PT CAREER Merchandising greeting cards tor malure individual who would enjoy dealing with retail stores In the 47th Ave ft Indian School area. Trainingno experience necessary. EOE. Call Monday 8-10am 866-9754 PEST ELIMINATION fl Great oppty for. qualified eens.

buperpay peneiiis. urns Pest Elfmlpatlon, 12615 I. Cave Creek Rd. 971-5659 PHOENIX Produce ware house neeas nigm supervisor. 2-5pm, 437-5141.

Phoenix Transit seek ng quality, service-oriented Individuals for part-time work: Parts Runner Shuttle Driver $4.50 Must haye excellent driving record, AZ Class 4 driver's license, age 2 years or over, stable work history, thorough knowledge of Phoenix area, previous driving experience pass DOT physical, including drug screen. Parts Runner requires heavy lifting fork-lift experience. Apply Mon, Tuej Weds, from 8-11 AM ONLY, Human Resources, 234 Central, Suite 528, PHOENIX TRANSIT EOE MFHV 'hone Room Mer Trainee National company Is looking or aggrcss ve, eninusiasnc nrilvlriunl In telephone sales experience, to enter management program. Guaranteed salary. Call 842-0791.

LAWN HELPER: Experienced only Sun City area. Call 979 M57 LEASC CCJISULTANT Have you got personality, Intelligence, willingness to work wpeopic, guou awearanie. with a prol nmsiunai aiuiuuer men, we rhen we want you lor a Tux- Mus Leasing tpnsuitam at our luxurious apt community. Must asingt ious ap i a Die fc ids. Goo, be able lb.

work, some weekends. Good benefits. Apply at: CIMARR UN 151 E. 1st St. Mesa Limousine DrlversAccl.

Rept HoMy wod Umousinet LOOKING. FOR A CHALLENGE 7 High volume auto parts needs experienced counter help. Must have flexible hours. Good benefits wages for self-starter, Apply In person 2154 E. McDowell.

LOOKING for FT responsible person to run machine in prim shorj nights. Mln wage, room fo advance, will train. 423-9580 LOT ATTENDANT Customer service oriented with good communication skills. Must be. at least 20 years of aoe and have clean MVR Apply In person Mon-Frl, tKWi tO'SPSK-rfy-Hat'bsr Parking, 44 N.

44th Phx. LOT ATTENDANTS for holl- ay parKing, snms avail: 6am- 2pm-loprn, 6am-nam 8, 2am-6am, Blltmpre Fashion rk, 24in bttameiDacK, 955-8400 LOT attendant PT approx 25 Trwk. Must be 8 yrs, or older with valid Arizona drivers license and good driving record. Call Harry at 994-OQOa MAIDS MAIDS MAIDS 20-30 hrswk Auto phone nec No exp 274-3658 MAILROOM SUPERVISOR Good Samaritan Regional Mcdlcaf Center seeking an experienced Mallroom Supervisor to manage and coordinate all functions of the mallroom. Applicant must as iave five years office prqec- re prorc- Jurc experience, with cxlen- n- sivc knowledge ot maiirooi nchlnerv and id U.S.

Postal Regulations. Three years, su- pcrvlsory experience and PC knowledge is also required. Qualified applicants may. apply at: SAMAWHfIAlTH Personncrpept. 1441 n.

iin Phoenix. A7 602-495-4600 EOEM-F-H MAINTENANCE DELIVERY Established company seeking a mechanically Inclined individual who cnloys working with his hands and has good knowledge of Phoenix area. Must be clean cut non-smoker with good driving record. Apply at: Aidant 3426 N. 29lh Ave.

MAINTENANCE Great FT oppty at W-slde apt comm. Exp. In all phases ot apt maintenance rcq'a. Must live on site have own tools. Apply M-F 8603 E.

Royal Palm Rd. 210, Sctal (lust E.ofHayden) MAINTENANCE MAN for apt. community In Mesa. Full time. $700 per mo.

1 bdrm apt. Taking appllcalions Thurs. Nov 9th, Fri. Nov. 10th Mon.

Nov. 13th from 10-3. Anchorage 660 E. broaawav, wiesa. MAINTENANCE man needed for mulfl-lndusfrial prolccts In TempeChandlcr.

Must haye own vehicle 8, tools. Immedi ate openings, bena resume with salary requirements to: 318 co R5, 120 E. Van Buren, AZ 85004. MAINTENANCE Person Needed. Entry level.

Ground-skccplng, basic commercial building upkeep, must be diligent, prcsenlalbe 8. willing to work hard. Must have reliable car. Apply Syreway MAINTFNANP.E Xlnt FT post'n at prestigious apt. comm.

Must have live on site have own tools. Apply M-F 1313 S. Va! Vista Gentry's Walk Aptt MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR Full time position avail for exp. maintenance supervisor at luxury apt. community In Mesa.

Apply at Wlndemcre 2020 E. Inverness. MAINTENANCE PERSON Full time position avail for cxp maintenance person at luxury apt. compiunlty In Phx. area.

APPiy at nuniingiun I6uy w. ijicnaaic Ave. MAINTENANCE POSITIONS Experienced. Now aval, at East Mesa resort. Worli schedule Includes Sun.

some evening shifts. 986-8404 Mon-Frl. 8-5. Mac or Linda Maintenance needed for west- siae complex, 2iu units. Anusi be cxp in ac, heating, elect.

Jifumblng. Must have own ools. Salary benefits lousing. 247-3711 MAINTENANCE MAN With AC 8. refr cxp for large apt community.

Tools pickup req'd. 279-3667 MAINTENANCE FT, exp'd In all phases ot maintenance, Prgfsnl appearance. Sctsdl. 391-1956 MAINTENANCE for a small complex, live In studio, work eves, qi-iinguai pre! q. Must know plumbing.

241-9)07 MAINT Cpl retired, middle ijmbll xp retrigeration At ng, own tools 264-3525 MAINT MAN for general home repairs, wining to oo some travel. Have license, 494-0855 MAINT. worker, 55 or older, cxp gen uigg maim, nrswx res. fac Ify. $4hr to start EOE MFllV 271-0891 MAINT 80 Unit complex, near Bethany 8.

16th St. Strong malnt background required, tpnscl-entloys, dependable and hard work ng only. Must be team oriented, Perm position. Must live on site Work (or a co. that cares aDout you Apply at 1820 Lindner Mesa )f BlH S.

Baseline and 2 blks E. of Dobson) No phone calls please MAKE Excellent money help peopio. surveyors neeaeo tor direct public contact. Earn eO per Pho*r 51-1584 50-tiyo per day. you're oenix iiv-iiw, MAKE $300week or more Rassing out tiveri.

t-i tun. low hiring. 468-1761 MANAGEKCamelback Store Broughton't Hallmark Manufacturlno Assistants Full andor PT. In our non- 11 andor PT In our non-iQklng N. Sctsdl ofc.

Call fl between 2-4pm 951-8787 MARICOPA COUNTY CLERK ON CALL $5.56 PER HOUR COLLECTIONS OFFICER II $1361 PER MONTH COURT CLERK I Typing 45 wpm, short-handspccdwrltlng 80 wpm. COURT INTERPRETER I $1940 PER MONTH DATA ENTRY 0PER I HOUR DATA ENTRY 0PERH 2 Positions. Experienced In a health care environment; ro- DIRECTOR OF INTERPRETER SERVICES ANNUALLY ENGINEERING ASSOC I Flood Control District $2272 PER MONTH HYDR0L0GISTI See scp ad cl 8720 INTERVIEWER I Sec sep add 8555 LIBRARIAN I $2045 PER MONTH LIBRARIAN III $2607 PER MONTH LIBRARY ASST I $1361 PER MONTH RECORDS TECHNICIAN III Flood Control District $1506 PER MONTH TECHNICAL TRAINING COORDINATOR $2742 PER MONTH TYPIST II $1050 PER MONTH pm i libera avc, rm Man thru Tunlli am-5om Equal opporl employer Help Wanted 8888-Help-Generat FULL TIME pleasant, pedpte oriented person to work information boolhi in men. Outlet vary phones, tales ft PR. Apply Los Arcot Mad Mgmt Ollice, 1315 N.

Scotlsdale ffd Monday-Friday, GENERAL HFI Hclss, inc. needs people to setup aispiav our prooycts. 1200mo to start. Catr973-3654 GENERAL MAINTENANCE PFRSON for a fast food res taurant franchisee. Musi have basic knowledge of electrical, plumbing malnte- nancc repair, tall 948-9969 General Malnt Apt turnover light ac, gd references, own took S6hr.

CM Barb United Pers Scrv. 265-0210 GIRLS 21 ft UP WANTED TO WORK ON TALK LINES 230-1916 GIRL FRIDAY Must be sharp, sn frw to travel 26 maior cities. Mar immed. For Interview, Stc phanlc Cochran 392-01 1 4, 9-5. GIRL FRIDAY FT Hollywood Limousines 242-9570 GLENDALE Residential Cleaning to.

needs mature, reliable person, 934-7777 GOLF Car Detailing Personnel prefer retired or semi-retired individuals. Hours ipnwpm, 20-30hriper wk, Some weekend work. Free meals, free golf. Scotlsdale Country Club, see Dennis or jamey, w-h GRAPHIC ARTIST With strong all around skills needed tor design firm In lucson wnn exiting nan en- cnicic, state oi me an equip product on. Knowledae Macintosh, Adobe Illustrator 88 and sevcra software pkgs a -i competitive salary samples salary req Immed to: Graphic Artist, PO Box 5586, Tucson Arizona 85703 GROOMERS Groom slopes to insure best possible skiing conditions saiciy lor our patrons.

Knowi-edae of snow oroom com. parable equipment experience. Submit! resume oy uzzay to: wnito woun tain Apachce Tribe, Porson nel Office, PO Box 700, White River, AZ 85941 GROUNDSKEEPER To work large Apt complex in Mesa. Apt cxp helpful start M.50 per nr. Apply in porson wco*kaavs iuam-4pm VILLA FIESTA APTS 1515 S.

Extension GROUNDSKEEPER To work Igc apt complex in nw pnx. grounds pickup, maintenance pool cleaning. Non smoker preferred. Apply CROSSROADS 222? Bcardslev Mon-Sat 10-5 266-3441 GROUNDSKEEPER needed on large I empc property. Apply at 3730 Mill Ave.

GROUNDS KEEPER Tempo anarlment commu nllv, lull time. Pretcr some experience In gardening ft nas kci coulna. Aoolv In person wkdays 9-4, Foxtrcc 2100 N. Scotlsdale Rd. Hall Financial Group GROUP HOME Staff needed in Phnx ft scotlsdale to work with MRDD childrenadults.

Also new homes opening in Central Phx. $5hr 224-5052 GROWING Electronics company needs experienced, 3 yrs mln mum, shippingreceiving clerk who Is familiar with small electrical components and assemblies Apply at Covld, 2400 10th PI, 6, Tempo, 85281 GROWTH CREATES 120 IMMEDIATE OPENINGS fwcrogo wage of J5-J6 with rcc training provided. Credit Jnlon and medical Benel Is available. Applicants must be totally flexible to work any hours and any shift available riant now. Excellent entry level opportunity with a company that promotes from within.

Minimum Requirements: Proof of citizenship At least 18 years old U.S. Diploma or GED Clean criminal record Drug tree tor 1 year Telephone at residence Dependable transportation Exp'd Trainees Needed Apply In Porson Sun Nov 12, Mon thru Fri NO PHONE CALLS PEDUS SECURITY SERVICES 8399 Fast Indian School Road Scotlsdale, AZ 85251 EOE MF HV GUARDS, 31 incis In Con I Immediate onen- Ings In Central West Phoc- nlx. Union Guard 966-7275 HAB Tech I with DD Adults in a vocational or community based program. Part Time or Full Time, Tempe. Jue or Kim 894J357 EOE HANDYMAN, must have electric plumbing exp.

Flexible hours. 264-9927 HAPPY, energetic lady. She has P.t. ft mngr trainee. Ladies clothing rental store.

Fairy Godmothers. P.V. Scotlsdale, 996-5767. Metro Central Phoenix, 222-8838 Hard Work'Alaska Adventure Established Seafood Co. seeks processors for vessels for AK.

No cxp req, Men women encouraged to apply. Seasonal employ. Jan-June 1990. Free rm 8. bd, transp from Seattle.

For more Info app please contact Dcpt Of Econ Security, 438 Adams, Phoenix, AZ. Employer paid ad. HARDWARE cashier, retail sales. 1901 W. Indian School Rd.

274-6503 Hard Work'Alaska Adventure Established Seafood Co. seeks processors for vessels for AK. No cxp req. Men ft women encouraged to apply. Seasonal employ.

Jan-Junc 1990. Free rm bd, transp from Seattle, For more Info app please contact Dcpt Of Econ Security, 438 Adams, Phoenix, AZ. Employer paid ad. HAYWAGON Drivers needed at Rawhide. Salary DOE.

Call 563-5600 Iv message only or 585-4930 between 9-11AM HELPER wanted lor growing housccleaning business. Ft or PI. Must live NW Phx have own transportation. 439-5602 HIGH SCHOOL DR0PS9 Enter the fastest growing career fields, accounting, secretarial, legal and medical fields while employed as customer service, retail or cashier. Free GED JOB TRAINING SERVICE Phx 841-9049 Mesa 833-5085 HIRING IMMEDIATELY Phone salespeople for national newspaper.

No exp nec. Will train. Morning ft evening shift, Contact Kevin 954-0473 HOLIDAY HELP FT PT Temp positions for: SALES CIFTWRAP STOCK Must be avail days nighttwknds. 30 discount for your holiday shopping! Please apply to our Pcrtonnol Office Mon-Frl llam-4pm. BILTMORE FASHION PARK 2500 E.

CamelbackPhx 85016 EM A RS earn Income by building on your experience. Become a Personal Care Attendant, flexible hours, free training. Call for jppolntmcnt. ABIL 256-2245. HOUSE AN You'll like (he work, the pay 8, the people.

Call or come In. THE MAIDS 493-7970 12607 Cave Creek Rd TICKET WRITER needed. Clean cut, outgoing, enioys people for busy car wash. Apply In person only, Llnd-strom Family Aulo Wash, 3003 E. Indian School Rd.

TIRE MAN must have shop cxp, apply at: A-lTlrcCo 3435 Van Buren, Phx TOOL ROOM --f Counter personnel to Issue receive tools In a technical school. Wcstslde location. Knowledge of basic aulomo five hand tools preferred. Must be service oriented A well groomed. shift.

$5.65 per hour to siart. Excellent benefits Including slock program. Call Bette McDanlel 258-1071 Universal Technical Inst -3002 N. 27 Ave 85017 TOW Truck Driver exper'd only. MVR req.

Must have mechanical ability 997-5855 TOW TRUCK DRIVER, Light-heavy duty exp. good driving record. West Valley 934-7966 DTRAINEES9 Medical, Computers ft Clerical positions. No exp ncoded, desire to learn, earn retail sales, cashiering, maintenance. training.

-JOB TRAINING SERVICE Phx 841-9049 Mesa 833-5085 TRASH TRUCK DRIVERS wanted for growth oriented co. Seeking 3 drivers for long term position. Competitive wages, insurance, credit un-fion, equipment is new A safely maintained, Only those with trash truck driving exp. need apply. Bring MVR.

Best Disposal, 5439 S. 43rd Aye. TRAVEL AGENTS, up to J18.5K, Immed openings Jn N.W. Vallev. Musi have 1 vears exp.

Offering excellent, salary, benefits, working environment, Career growth potential. Call Career Consul-lants, 263-9666. Fee's Paid. TRAVEL AGENT new office Scottsdale Fashion Square, mln lyr cxp 945-1010 TRAVEL Agent, PARS preferred, min 2yrs cxp, NW area, Time Travel 976-8900 TRAVEL Agent. Metro Center loc.

Travel school or exp. required. FT. Cindy 944-5596 TRAVEL agent position avail. Exp nec.

Pt including 'i dav on Sat. Carefree 488-31 11 TRAVEL AGENT 2 years experience, N. Phx. 993-1850 TRAVEL AGT. Mln 2yrscxp.

Sabre. Excel salary national benefits program. USTS, Freedom Travel Sue 263-9056 TRAVEL AGT- growing Sctsdl agev seeks 2 yr cxp SABRE agent. Replies confld. TRAVEL! A FUN JOB! We need 10 outgoing enthusiastic guys ft gals to travel major cities resort areas with unique young business group, We train you.

Company transportation provided. Return trip guaranteed. Base salary plus dally cash bonuses. Must be 18 or over and able to start Immediately. Call Mr.

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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

Birthday: 1996-05-19

Address: Apt. 114 873 White Lodge, Libbyfurt, CA 93006

Phone: +5983010455207

Job: Legacy Representative

Hobby: Blacksmithing, Urban exploration, Sudoku, Slacklining, Creative writing, Community, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.